2014年11月3日 星期一

【揚升大師Serapis Bey】10月30日《被愛激勵》


The act of giving isreally a very simple act. It does not require a lot of flare orextravagance, but the motive and mindset behind the giving is asimportant as what is being given. How much of your day, even withyour loved ones is spent on compromise , bartering, giving only toreceive something? Even though such actions carry unconsciousself-centeredness, nevertheless it is still there. When giving ispure, it comes from the heart. There is no compromise, there is nothought of bartering and giving from the heart requires nothing inreturn…it is a pure, love-filled action that is devoid of egoictendencies and demonstrates on the subtlest level how deserving thereceiver of the giving is.


Many of you already know fromexperience, how good it feels to give. Before you commit to givingmake it a point to understand what your motives are. Where is thisneed coming from and does it serve you more or the one receivingyour generosity in whatever form your gift is. Remember dear ones,when you give in the hopes of receiving something, even a thankyou, you are not truly giving from a pure, heart-filled motive. Itwhen you give from your genuine, loving heart it is the joy in thegiving that is your deepest reward.


It is important tocomprehend dear ones, that when you give from your genuine, lovingheart, you then are also coming from an abundance mindset. When yougive selflessly to someone else, regardless what it is, you arealso making room for yourself to attract more positive encountersand experiences. The act of giving is very powerful when yourmindset and motive is pure as it provides power and strength toboth the giving and the receiving simply because there is nothingin the middle getting in the way. When there is a free flow ofenergy it is a WIN /WIN situation.


When abundance islacking from your mindset what you have instead is an insufficientway of thinking where there is no continuous flow of energy becausethere are limits and conflicts s​​till fighting for dominance andpriority. But if you really think about it, and I mean think andreflect and consider, you will come to the conclusion that in truththere is hardly ever any scarcity in your mindset. What therereally is, is an unsatisfactory supply of free flowing energy.Actions that surround clinginess and amassing are great examples ofa scarcity mindset where perception of reality is limited andclouded .


When your motives and mindsets inthe act of giving are pure and intent on abundance, then positiveenergy will not just be felt by the receiver but by you as well.The more selfless your giving is the more positive-ness you willalso receive. The moment you think about what you may get, even ifyou think you might get a thank you, then you are puttingrestrictions on what you can receive in the form of energy andabundance.


There are alwaysbenefits when you give from the purity of your heart that speaksclearly of your love-filled intentions, motives and mindset. Whenyou give selflessly it feels good, it provides a deep down feel ofsatisfaction that you had m​​ade someone's day a little brighter thanit was before. You didn't want anything in return. You opened yourheart and gave.


Did you know dearones, that the act of giving selflessly encourages gratitude andthankfulness? When you give without any expectation on receivingany reward, you increase your own awareness of yourself, others andof life. Compassion and gratitude towards others will increase as aresult of your good- naturedness and selfless actions of giving fromthe purity of your heart.


Remember the law ofcause and effect. What you put out in the world carries energy andhas the ability to impact your own journey at unexpected moments.Therefore, giving that is motivated purely for the act of giving,to help another dear soul out of a hard and difficult place willhave a positive influence on future experiences.


The more you give selflessly, themore you are able to recognize where some limiting beliefs and waysmay have been hidden. When you realize that some of your actionsrevealed motives that were less than pure, then your awarenessexpands, making you more conscious of what was once was . When yourealize that some of your motives and even your mindset was notcompletely kind and selfless, then you are then given theopportunity to let go of any motives and intentions in favour forones that are pure and genuine from your loving heart.


Just because you livein a modern era where everything is going fast doesn't mean youcan't still come from a pure heart. In order to reduce scarcity andto improve the purity of your motives we encourage you to look forways that you can make meaningful and important by how you use yourtime, energy and any other resources you may employ.


Embrace givingwithout expectation. Show your love-filled heart and yourunco​​nditional compassion. Don't be afraid of what others willthink. When you come from the heart and all your actions speak ofgenuine love and compassion, then there is no reason to doubt orfor concerns. Every action that is filled with love when given toanother unconditionally, you are allowing God to work through youand that dear ones is a beautifully, divine collaboration of Lightand Love working harmoniously as it's meant to be.

就是如此… And so itis…

我是揚升大師 Serapis Bey    I AM Ascended Master, SerapisBey

通靈:Julie Miller   翻譯:Nick Chan 

