2014年11月25日 星期二

蘇里亞20141122 清空的時間


So many things needto be done in a single day, you might be paying bills for servicesyou've received, go to work, clean, prepare meals, wash dishes,possibly write, find time to watch your favourite television show,read a few pages in a book, make arrangements to be with friends,and so forth...a day can be quite busy, making life at timesincredibly hectic. And this hectic-ness will visit you regardlessif you are on your own or not. With always trying to add morethings to do in a single day, eventually anxiety will creep in,stress will hit as you become overwhelmed. It is important BlessedHearts to find time in your day, week or even month to just besilent by scheduling in an appointment with solitude.


Silence and Solitudeneeds to become more disciplined and hold an important place onthis road of life. It is necessary Blessed Hearts to be able topull away from all your rushing, from all your worldly concerns andto allow your precious whole self to just be, without a thought andto realign yourself with the divine and love-filled energies of Godand with your priorities of life.


How does one becomedisciplined in silence? Well Blessed Hearts, the answer is quitesimple, but at first hard to achieve. Silence is best when you canabstain from speaking temporarily, to refrain from thinking and toallow all to empty out in order to observe your inner person and tobring healing to your overall person. Many times Blessed Hearts,silence is received when you give yourself time to read, duringprayer and meditation once you have trained your mind to cease inits wanderings. Even though you may not be speaking outwardlyduring moments of deep silence , understand Blessed Hearts thatthere will be many internal conversations going on between you andGod. It is during such deep silence that God is most heard, as it'sterribly difficult to hear what God is saying when your mind isbusy with thoughts of this and that.


When you take timeout for solitude, time for just you and nothing else, comprehendBlessed Hearts that you are cultivati​​ng great spiritual discipline,regardless if it is voluntary and temporary. This private time withjust you, a you that is not rushing in thought, a you that hasemptied all thought and all worry for a few minutes gives you yourtime alone with God and this is such a precious and sacred time. Itis one that the heart and soul feels as the body shudders in reliefas you let go of all external influences during those few preciousmoments.


How often during thepast have you given yourself silent times, where you think ofnothing, not even about thinking about nothing? How many times haveyou caught yourself staring ahead at nothing, and someone asks,“What are thinking about, or “What are you seeing ”? It happens moreoften than you realize because you have accustomed yourself tothese little bursts of silence and solitude and don't realize theirsignificance. It is necessary dear ones to find a place, a quietplace where you give a prayer just for you, meditate for the onesthat are closest to your heart, find time to sing, to write in ajournal if you keep one, to make time to be in the presence of thedeity you work closely with, or any other method you like to do anduse during your quiet times . These times are healthful for yourtotal self. They don't offer perfection, but do bring you home tocompleteness of mind, body, heart and soul. Your anxieties, burdensand concerns leave your mind during these moments. In addition,when you are being completely silent during these precious momentsof solitude, you are not being distracted or tempted by anythingoutside of your Self…you are focused on the devotion and commitmentyou have given to yourself during the time you have given to justbe silent. Make this appointment with yourself more often . It isnot a selfish time, it is a time where great inner healing takesplace and the sacred connection between you and God isre-established.


If you are married,and with children, finding time for silence and solitude may be achallenge, but not impossible. Those moments of solitude may cometo you fleetingly and unexpected and when they do, don't wastethem, use them. When you give yourself these precious moments toempty yourself of all worry and all anxiety, you refresh thespiritual centers that are within your body so when your spouse isthere or your children are busy in the home, you are able to greetthem with rejuvenated energy and vitality. Making time for silenceand solitude is essential for maintaining a healthy mindset thathas the ability to affect all areas of your life.


There are some dearsouls among you that think to make time for silence and solitudethey must make travel arrangements for an expensive spa-like resortor to go miles away and camp in the wilderness with no humancontact for miles. You can achieve the same results just by pullingyour car over and allow yourself to close your eyes and to breathe,without any radio or music playing, turning your phone or othertechnical device off and just be quiet without a thought of anykind. This can also be done during any long line or while waitingfor the bus. To seek the company of God, it does not take much asGod is always where you are. You simply need to quiet that busymind of yours and allow your whole self to relax, to be withouttension. You see Blessed Hearts, time spent with silence andsolitude can be quite simple. It is only you that makes it complexby adding more things to the equation that can make stress appearwhen part of the purpose to give yourself moments of silence foundin solitude is to release yourself from stress. The simpler youmake your life the less hectic it becomes and the more time youwill give yourself to be in the company of God.


There is no planningahead on when do begin working on disciplining the silent momentsyou give yourself, the best time is now, not yesterday and nottomorrow, but now. Don't wait to spend time with yourself or putoff time spent with God undistracted. Still your heart and emptyyour thoughts as often as possible, so you may feel the gentleness,the love and know God is there with you. These times spent insilence, giving you moments with God are precious and the more youmake time for these instances the livelier your soul will be andyour perception to all life, including your own will change. Theonly regret you may find once you begin making time for silence insolitude a regular thing is that you may with you begun thispractice sooner.


Blessed Hearts,remember every time you pray, meditate, or give yourself thenecessary time for quietness, you are empty of all disharmonicemotion and thought, you shut the external world behind you to bein the comfortable and shared silence of God and it is during thesespecial and sacred times that you are most rewarded with waves ofDivine Light and Love.


I AM Surya, theElohim of the First Secret Ray – the Elohim of Akasha


通靈:JulieMiller   翻譯:NickChan 

