2014年11月26日 星期三



What if you thoughtof your emanations as having a poker game with the universe? Everytime you bet love, we see your love and raise it with more love.There is no reason to ever bluff or call you on your offerings, andeveryone wins. ~Archangel Gabriel

翻譯:NickChan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102v80c.html


Patience, generallyspeaking, is an indicator of your level of faith and acceptance inany given situation. When you are secure in your faith, you havecomplete acceptance that everything is unfolding in a way that isdivinely perfect. When you know that everything is being taken careof, you realize there is nothing left to do but be fully presentand enjoy the Now moment.


You cannot beimpatient and enjoy the Now moment at the same time, Dear Ones.Impatience is trying to rush past the beauty of the Now. Slow down.Trust. Know each person and situation is guided and loved, andserving a purpose for all involved. Your faith and acceptance willanchor you in the energies of patience and peace, and will, inturn, make all of your moments far more enjoyable. ~ArchangelGabriel

