2014年11月19日 星期三

【大天使加百利】 20141113 《蛻變》

親愛的一們   Beloved Ones,


Let us have discourse on the quality of love known asmetamorphosis.


Metamorphosis begins when the soul in incarnation awakensto its spiritual essence after lifetimes of immersion in matter,and finds the spiritual path.
They are recognizing that they are 'spiritual beingshaving a human experience'. Along the way, the individual whoidentified with their persona and their body, mind, and emotions,gradually becomes identified with their Soul, their inner spiritualbeing.

The individual undergoes a dramatic metamorphosis,emerging after great struggle as an exp`ression of divinity in theworld.
Many lifetimes are required to complete the metamorphosison their path to liberation from within the depths of their soul,which culminates at the stage of their transfiguration. The lightof the Soul pours down upon the outer persona and changes itpermanently. There are growing numbers of individuals who areawakening to the reality that they are more than physical beingswith emotions and minds.


Metamorphosis is an inner alchem​​ical process. Thisprocess is often painful, as this spiritual work requires ablending of spirit and matter. To forge unity out of this polarity,the part of an individual that is of a material nature must bepurified and refined so that it may blend with that which isspiritual.


The material forces are elevated through the power of themind, mental discipline, in the goal of transmuting these forcesinto spiritual energies. The individual learns to concentrate andfocus their mind in order to affect the subtle forces of theirthreefold personality: the mind itself, the astral or emotionalbody, and the vital energy body that underlies the physicalform.


The power of focused thought is used by the individual tolift the emotional forces of their desire nature (located withinthe solar plexus, the stomach area) and move it up into the heartcenter. In the heart center, personal desire is transmuted into themagnetic energy of spiritual love.


Throughout the ages, awakened individuals have wrestledwith their lower natures, struggling to utilize the vital forces oftheir personalities into altruistic service to the world. Thisprocess requires a tremendous amount of faith and trust in theCreator as this metamorphosis takes place.


The key to the metamorphosis of one's self is to be awakeand open to the guidance that comes from within, and to follow thatguidance with courage and faith, surrendering one's expectations ofhow things should be unfolding. It requires a daily choice towillingly surrender to the beauty of life, and to operate at adifferent level of knowing.


It requires consistent spiritual practice through prayer,meditation, and contemplation. It requires one to stay firmlygrounded in the Earth, as well as to be deeply connected toGod.
They must be willing to allow situations in their life tomove and shift them into a higher state of awareness. It requiresfaith in knowing that the universe is supporting and sustainingthem every step of the way.


It opens an individual to the realities that there is somuch more to their existence than what they see in the moment whileliving their daily life.
It gives them the ability to develop mastery over anger,fear, doubt, deceit, and other negative emotions that have heldthem back from living a vibrant and meaningful life.

They see themselves and others through a heart offorgiveness and compassion. They acquire the ability to tap intodormant areas of spiritual knowledge, abilities and understandingthat has always been within them.
Through this metamorphosis that occurs within them, theyaccept things the way they are and who they are, withoutresistance. They find purpose and meaning in every situation, whichgives them strength and a sense of peace.


There is more clarity and order in their thinkingprocesses. They pay more attention to what they are doing. Theyapproach situations that occur in their lives with more opennessand a positive attitude. They experience a feeling of more calmnesswithin them. They are not as reactive to situations that they mighthave perceived as negative before.


Truth becomes more of a focus as they learn to be morehonest with themselves and others. They do things with a sense ofgratitude and understanding in all the things theyaccomplish.
They take the time to let things unfold before acting,and open themselves to see more options and ways to do thingsbefore making choices. This metamorphosis also helps them to lookat reality in a whole different way.


Metamorphosis continues as they pray and align to theirdivine essence at least once a day, to clear their mind and to gettheir body attuned with the forces of nature and with the elementsas well. This alignment to their divine essence gives them afeeling of being in charge of their destiny and brings an overallsense of well-being.


Each day they try to bring their spirit back intoalignment with the spiritual world, as this gives them much peaceand comfort. They feel empowered, supported, and loved by theuniverse, and begin to feel that there is nothing that isimpossible in their world.


Metamorphosis is the unification between their soul andtheir eternal Spirit. It is a process which involves a totaltransformation of their body, their heart, their mind, and theirvital and spiritual energies.
This change within them ensures growth and the sheddingof the old, before they can come into the new. This metamorphosisgives birth to new ideas, new activities, and the embodying of newqualities. These new ideas need to be shaped, formed, anddeveloped.


After this is accomplished, the new foundation is laid.Sometimes an individual needs to sit back and go deeply withinafter laying a new foundation, so that creation is able to comeforth strongly, and in a totally new light.


As in the metaphor of the emergence of the adultbutterfly, which only emerges when conditions are right, so tooone's ideas and activities will only flourish on a higher levelwhen all the conditions are right.


Inevitably, this metamorphosis of awakening leads one tothe path of transformation, by means of which the beauty, power,and light that is inherent in the soul, one's spiritual self, isgradually revealed.


May the power and the beauty of your own individualmetamorphosis occur with gentleness, and grace.

我是大天使加百利  I AM Archangel Gabriel

通靈:Marlene Swetlishoff   翻譯:Nick Chan 

