2014年11月24日 星期一

娜達夫人20141120 每一時刻都保持平和


Your thoughts havealways been of great power. Can you imagine just how much moredeveloped, satisfied, happy, peaceful and successful you would beif you never thought a negative thought towards anyone oranything?


When you are able tofinally discover and come to the realization that peace andhappiness does not come from anything external, but from a placedeep within yourself, you then you begin releasing more and more ofyour authentic self; a self that can live not only with the peacefound within themselves, but be able to live peacefully among andwith others.


It is importantBeautiful Bright Hearts to let go of the debilitating habit ofcomparing yourself to that of others. Every time you allow yourselfto compare yourself to another dear soul, you are at that momentundermining your own self-worth and wisdom that you have gained allon your own by persevering your own set of challenges. You arewiser than you sometimes give yourself credit for. We know you wantto know what is next to come, we see this in the rush and push youapply each and every day, but what you uncover is just what you aremeant to know for that very moment. Whatever future you are able tosee is just one of endless possibilities. God does have great plansfor each of you, and you will come to know each step as you workthrough what you have in front of you. Crying, and shedding tearsof frustration will not bring you closer. Believe Beautiful BrightHearts that you are meant to fulfill your dreams and make yourambitions a rea​​lity. The only person you really have to proveyourself to is yourself. Because at the end of the day it is youthat must come to terms with how you handled your day up thatpoint.


Beautiful BrightHearts, we also realize how easily you become entrapped by otherpeople's opinions of you. Do their opinions carry so much weightthat you alter your own divine course and mission? Don't makeyourself an enemy to your own journey. Other people cannot liveyour dreams, they cannot make your goals succeed, nor do theyanswer to the consequences of choices you make. It is you that isaccountable for all that you do and say.


All the answers towhere you are to go in life, you already hold within you. Somethings do take time to manifest, but time does not have to be thebad guy. When you are given time to make right actions throughright choices you develop the right kind of passion anddetermination to make all your steps lead into new ones that willcontinue bringing you closer to the outcome you have beenenvisioning. Think back to when you have achieved something youhave worked hard at. You applied all your energy; you put yourheart into every step until it was done. The reward was not reallythe praise you may have received from family, friends orco-workers, but from the feeling of satisfaction one gets aftercompleting something they had worked hard on. Sometimes mistakesalong the way will be made, but they only come to show you thatthere is another way. Mistakes are not meant to hinder yourprogression, they are meant to show you and provide you withanother chance and to make different choices that will providedifferent conclusions and outcomes.


Beautiful BrightHearts, peace is all around you, and within you. All the joys,peace and happiness you seek is already within reach. You don'trequire a book to tell you how to be happy, for you already holdthis knowledge. Every moment you are given is an opportunity torealize that peace is your companion. If you have real peace thatcomes from within, then nothing that happens externally, willdisrupt this peace.


Peace is realizedwhen you recognize life is not about winning, losing, grasping oryearning…it's about loving the person you are, just as you arenaturally—by accepting your whole self with every imperfection andstrength. When you are able to accept your whole self, you are ableto accept others just as they are as well, without the temptationof wanting to change them to how you wish they would be.


It is your uniquenessthat makes you beautiful. Each and every dear soul that shares thisbountiful and beautiful earth are equally important and necessary.And each of you comes with a unique life story, not one moreimportant or better than the other, just different with differentchallenges and obstacles to overcome. The best part BeautifulBright Hearts with all that there is similar, it is the differencesthat you grow from, that help to educate, to shed ignorance from;to build understanding, compassion and of course peacewith.


Within each of you isan authentic version of your Self, it is this supreme and dynamicpart of you that is always at peace, even if you sometimes forgetthis or bafflingly ignore it. You are meant to spread love, peaceand compassion…to share God's Love in all the things you touch andwith all the words you express. You were born as a child of Light,Blessed by God to walk the journey that is before you, and thisjourney Beautiful Bright Hearts will guide you to the beauty towhich you are from the inside that unites you with God's BrilliantLight and Infinite Love.

就是如此   And so itis…

我是揚升大師,娜達夫人   I AM Ascended Master,Lady Nada


通靈:JulieMiller   翻譯:NickChan 

