2014年11月13日 星期四



What if you knew with complete certainty that theuniverse is always conspiring to help you? What if you never had amoment of angst because you knew however things were looking, theywere unfolding perfectly for you, even if you couldn't quite seehow yet?


If your faith in the system was absolute, you would be inthe energies of acceptance all the time. And it is acceptance thatbrings the deep and abiding peace you are all craving.


Dear Ones, you spend a tremendous amount of time in worryand doubt, and it does not serve you one bit. Why not startpostponing worry and fear and try playing with the energies offaith and acceptance instead?


If about to fall into your usual pit of worry, why nottry something different for a change? Perhaps you could tellyourself, “God's got this.” Or ask, “Universe, please take care ofthis for the highest good of all.” Or, “Source is always loving meand guiding me.” “There is always a wonderful solution and it iscoming together right now for me.”


If sitting in the energies of fear and doubt, time andagain, is not giving you the results you wish, why not change yourapproach? Practicing faith, and acceptance, will bring profound andlasting change to your life, if you simply give it a chance. ~Archangel Gabriel

