2014年11月20日 星期四



Human beings have an interesting habit of praying forchange and then fighting with all their might to keep everythingthe same. No wonder so many of you are getting so uncomfortable!You are resisting the very vehicle that is trying to deliver to youwhat your heart desires.


You are on the planet to learn and grow, experience andcreate, so be open and willing to change, Dear Ones. To do so willturn you into expansion specialists and allow your lives to bloominto their full potential. ~Archangel Gabriel

翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102v7n8.html


So many of you havenegative or fearful connotations connected to change. Why not startlooking at change in a new positive light? Instead of change wouldyou prefer magic? Healing? Miracles? Enlightenment? Good luck?Rejuvenation? Because all of those words are associated withdelightful, welcome change. Find a word you prefer and use it toreplace the word change. Choose one that helps you embrace forwardmovement, expansion, growth and co-creation. To do so will help youstart to approach your life with excitement and anticipation andstay open to the many wonders that are available to you. ~ArchangelGabriel

