2014年11月10日 星期一



Blessings of Love to you all!May the very vastness of Love of our beloved Creatorsurround you and fill you with peace, light, and brotherhood,dearest brothers and sisters.


It is the Archangel Gabriel speaking to you, one ofthe closest ministers to the Celestial Throne of the Creator ofthis Universe, Who in all His Majesty andGlory wishes that this message come to His Children.
Since "Angel" means 'Messenger', we, Archangels, are incharge of bringing to humanity the most relevant messages, thosewhich hold the most importance.


(Note from Kris-Won: I amhaving now a vision of a multitude of beings who are descendingsmiling and in happy conversation down a long, twisting stairway ofwhite marble.)


In these moments as I am speaking with you, thereis a multitude of energies, of forces known and unknown to you,like magnetism, electricity o the light, and others that are stillunbeknown to you that are circulating everywhere, left to right, upand down , inside to outside, from further in to further out,etc.


Some of these energies are innocuous, includingmany that are beneficial, such as the light of the Sun for theplants and trees, or the force of gravity, so that you are not sentflying into space.


But there exist others that could be very damagingto mankind and which are so, so powerful that they could annihilateany trace of life on this wonderfulplanet.


What happens with these energies that are so dangerous toall of you? How does the Universe protect itself from them so thatthey don't damage some of the living species to the point of totaldisintegration? How can the annihilationof all forms of life threatened by its fatal influence beavoided?


Well, the Universe makes use of other type of forces thatare antagonistic to these harmful energies in order to continuemaintaining the balance in all existing ecosystems, and furtherassuring the perpetuity of those species.


If theonly existing theory were that of the strongest extolled byNietzsche, all the minor forces would be absolutely absorbed by thestrongest ones, as if, at a cosmic level, the black holes wereallowed to engulf all matter in existence in the Universe; if nolimit were set to all its power, the Universe would be anApocalipsis of chaos and destruction.


And since asAbove, so is Below, also at a planetary level, in your world'ssphere the Universe is also mobilizing certain forces to counterthe destructive action of some Machiavellian minds in high spheresof power, who have been playing to be gods when they are not .


Without theintervention of these forces being mobilized by the Creator, thehumanity of Earth would find it very difficult to solve and avoidits complete annihilation, the result of the greed and ambition ofsome elitist groups within said humanity.


That is, you have required the assistance of agentsexternal to you and your world, precisely to save you from themadness and alienation of you yourselves. Tremendous paradox.


The greater Force that has arrived to the planet to saveyou from the madness of said human beings, is calledLOVE. Without the LOVE that has arrivedfrom above all the way here below through portals, tunnels andsubtle dimensional walls, through courageous and compassionatedimensional travellers of a very high vibration, nothing that liveson Earth at this time would exist.


Absolutely everything that is alive would be only amemory of the Space Gardeners, who would frown proving that a newattempt of a planetary humanity to ascend en masse had completelyfailed.


But as you can tell, it has not turned out that waybecause the Universe makes use of certain subterfuges in order tobring a seeming chaos into order and achieve the ascension of aplanet severely punished by the pollution to bring it to a NewWorld that is more pure, more stable and that vibrates much higherthan before.


Well, and I do not wish to elaborate further, it's enoughfor now to have this general view of what is happening in yourphysical world. The topic would fill a rea​​lly voluminous book, butthat book will be written by you on a day-to-day basis, sometimeswith golden letters, and sometimes with red ink.


Those of us who contemplate from Celestial heightssympathize with the attempts of many of you to raise yourconsciousness more and more, and do not doubt that when you do thatwe descend to your physical plane to help you achieveit.


And we will keep on doing because it is LOVE whatmoves us to extend our redeeming hands towards you, hands anxiousto assist you and that you sometimes accept, and sometimes, in yourignorance, you discard them believing that you do not need ourhelp.


Keep on visualizing a world more and more pure andperfect, populated by happy creatures who make an effort to helpand get their brothers and sisters ahead, without thinking only andexclusively on themselves. And when it isso, we will be there to sustain you in that effort , you can be sureof that.
In the Love, Compassion and Spiritual Peace of theUnmentionable,



通靈源頭:大天使加百利   通靈者:克里斯.王

譯者U2覺醒  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b9a886d70102v1s5.html

