2014年11月28日 星期五



"Our thanks to every such environments whereman is supposed to grow in peace and harmony, in love and in tranquility.


Our thanks to all that what is graceful around usand also our thanks to all that what forces us to become graceful.


Our thanks to that negativity which has made uspositive, our thanks to that power to overtake us, which has given the power tolove to sustain ourself.


Our thanks to all those natural calamities whichhave given us the joy and beauty that we have crossed them.


Our thanks to all those sicknesses and weaknesses and laziness which hasgiven the power to triumph over it and give the survival to chant the holynaam.


Our thanks to all those enemies who made us strongthat we love to live and our thanks to the Almighty Creator who has created usto go through all this experience in the name of that Holy Name which prevailsthrough everybody.


That cosmic power which is the instrument of ourlife and our dignity, that Adi Shakti of which we all are part in onebrotherhood as pure Beings, to that height and Consciousness that is whichholds this world.

We pray in Thy Consciousness, oh Consciousness of allConsciousness, to be with us and bring love and tranquility, peace to everyheart."


