2014年11月17日 星期一

女媧20141112 不管怎樣都要友善


Oh so many lovelyhearts fills this beautiful earthly world, it is so pleasing tosee. Yet what I also see is conflict and not just the big conflictsbetween governments, politics and religions but conflicts amongsteach other. A little conflict now and then is not such a bad thing,without them there would be no knowledge of what needs correcting,o​​r what can be learned from. There will always be illogical andunreasonable people, you too have demonstrated times ofself-centeredness. After all, are you not on a journey of greatdiscovery and exploration of the Self? How one gets there is allvery unique and individual and all ways are worthy of respect andappreciation. There will always be a way of doing something thatwill not resonate with how you may apply your effort, but that doesnot mean my lovely hearts that you cannot be cordial, considerate,respectful and kind. It is the sameness that brings you together,but what is different is meant for you to grow from, not becomefurther separated and divided.


It is already knownand accepted that you are loving and in truth, kind. It is alsotrue that sometimes demonstrating kindness to others makes one feelvulnerable. Why is this? Do you feel your goodness or actions willbe questioned? People always have questions. It is necessary to askquestions in order to remove yourself from the habit of assumingwhat another person may be thinking.


Just because you findthat someone may not agree with a certain way you do things or youchoose a way of life or practice that is different doesn't mean youcannot get along and be friendly. Every stranger you see has thepotential of being your friend. All you need to do is stop beingafraid, reach out and say hello, encourage conversation even if itbegins with small idle topics such as the weather. Smile and shinefrom that beautiful heart that beats with the rhythm of life ineach in and out breath you take.


Let what is similaror the same become your bridges to understanding what is different.Being different is how each of you are meant to be. You know this,deep down you realize that you are not meant to be just like yourneighbour, or the person you work with or sit beside or who youchoose to marry. Give each opportunity to interact with others yourbest effort, putting aside the need to judge, to criticize or toassume. See each man and woman as a beautiful creation, a brotheror sister…a friend. Even the homeless and illiterate deservefriendship and kindness and both are products of a loving andgenerous heart and where there is genuine love there is no room foregoic thought or ideals as all comes from a place of purity andgrace.


Any relationship thatyou have had in the past my lovely hearts did not fail becausethere was a lack of love because it was love that helped to pavethe way to each other. What caused the separation is a lack offriendship with each other. You can't give a half-hearted attemptto being a friend and expect the relationship to last. Forfriendships to live long there must be an equal of giving andtaking, effort from both in order to understand, to inquire, tocomfort, to nourish and to just care without wanting to change theother person.


Relationships thatare founded on kindness, appreciation and respect have bonds thatare flexible yet strong enough to withstand the many challengeswhat will no doubt be faced. Keep in mind my lovely hearts, you maybe having a bad day and want to scream, vent or do something thatis aggressive and can be considered negative; the person you shareyour upset with may also be experiencing a bad day as well. Takeinto consideration that others besides yourself are also goingthrough difficulties, challenges and any other tribulation life hasoffered up. There is no person in this busy world that has notsuffered some sort of loss or been dealt with a difficult situationor two to overcome. Life as you know is hard, everyone is tryingtheir best to work through their own challenges and hardships.Instead of reacting to your emotional self with heat and hostility ,take some time out to breathe, to re-ground yourself and bringyourself back to a composure that is much more peaceful andreasonable.


With so manydifferent kinds of people in this busy, chaotic world it isunderstood that tempers will become flared and upset may sometimesbe inevitable. But you do have the capability of steering your hotemotions and feelings out before you say something or act in a waythat is irreversible. You are an emotional species by nature, andlearning to make peace with these disturbances is a mightychallenge, but one that is very rewarding and commendable. Justimagine my lovely hearts, how different your day would be if youheld back the need or repressed the habit to think negative,judgmental assumptions about another person who is only trying tomake their way along their own journey. Instead of being criticalof others, try seeing the good in each person you encounter andrespect their ways and choices. Their ways and choices may notresonate with you, but that does not mean you cannot demonstratekindness and gratitude for being shown a different perception orway of seeing something.


The best way you canbe a friend to someone else, is by first being a friend toyourself. Really, truly contemplate what it means to be a friend.What are the strengths you look for when choosing a friend? Howsimilar are they to how you see the world? And are you able toaccept and overlook their flaws? These and more are necessary tothink about when it comes to forging relationships. Let yourprecious heart guide you and trust my lovely hearts in itspull.


The more you reach afriendly hand to someone, regardless of their outlook in life, themore peace will be known. It is not difficult to be kind, it's justchanging a little on how you may currently do things, taking thetime to look around you and see from your heart where a littleextra kindness is needed. The world before you is your playgroundmy lovely hearts and every dear soul that shares it with you arepotential friends, some possibly will last a lifetime. Will youlend a hand or give a smile of friendship? Now is the time to makeanything possible, don't wait for tomorrow as tomorrow has not comeyet.

我是女媧,中國創造女神   I AM Nüwa, theChinese Goddess of Creation

通靈:JulieMiller    翻譯:NickChan 

