2015年3月19日 星期四



Giving, receiving, and heartfelt appreciation forthe experience of both, is the trinity that supports the flow ofabundance. Each one is avital aspect, equally important to the balance of the whole of theabundance model. It is your ability to seamlessly shift into eachof these aspects that will move you into a joyful dance of serviceand co-creation with the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vhjl.html


Dear Ones, a reminder that sweet and tender selflove and staying in the Now are absolutely vital to navigatingintense energies such as you will be experiencing thisweek. All great changesare navigated one right Now moment at a time. Staying vigilantabout your self care by listening to and honouring what you needemotionally, physically and energetically, is what will allow youto best harness the gifts of these times and minimize anydiscomfort. Remember, these are the times your soul has beenexcitedly waiting to experience for so very long. ~ArchangelGabriel


