2015年3月20日 星期五


親愛的宇宙之子們   Dearly belovedchildren of the universe,


Let go freeingyourself of a painful moment in the eternity of bliss. Let yourbody, mind and soul bathe in the loving energies of the creationthat indeed you are! That indeed you are becoming, that indeed youhave always been. Allow the magnificent energies of purely divineintensions to wash over you.


Let your higher self, take you bythe hand and lead you through the door into infinite possibilitiesof creation. Allow your mind to release the thoughts that it is sodesperately trying to let go of. Explore your feeling and allowthem to pass through and out of you. Imagine for a moment that youare like a bottomless cylinder through which water flows and flows.Open all of your chakra for healing and loving energies, and beholdthe new you.


Behold the new you,in the anticipation of BEing. In the anticipation of the grandchanges unfolding lovingly all around you. Let go of thepreconceived notions and ideas. And allow the new magnificentenergies to bathe you in a parade of glorious accompaniments of theheavenly abodes.


Stand tall as a pillar of purebrilliance that indeed you are. Stand strong and flexible in thewinds of change making their ways rapidly into your presentreality. BE in the NOW moment, and frequent the healing room ofyour chosen momentum. Remember the divinity that you hold withinyour heart and within the DNA structure of your BEING. LET IT ALLGO.


Climb a mountain inyour mind's eye and shout form the top of it that you are free!Completely and utterly free from all the programming of the past,from all the programing of the future, and all the programing ofthe now moment in time.


Free yourself, andthrough the freedom that you will create for yourself, you shallcreate the freedom for others. Walk. Walk withdignity and understanding in your stride, true understanding andcompete surrender to all that shall come onto the path of yourchosen momentum.


Understand that you are supportedby all that is, and allow the supportive energies to embrace you ineternal infinite love of your creator self.


And when you let go,anchor your newly found identity, your newly found understanding ofself, into the new earth energies, into the energies of the fifthdimensional creation of that which you are. Anchor said energiesand anchor yourself into the moment in which you wish to remain. Bein that moment and savor each drop of said energies. Savor eachmoment, and you shall create with might and vigor all suchmoments.

成為。愛。當下!   BE. LOVE. NOW.!


That is all that we have for younow. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.


通靈:Anna Merkaba   翻譯:Nick Chan

