2015年3月26日 星期四

【Brenda Hoffman】3月23日《天空是無限的》

親愛的一們   Dear Ones,


Some of you felt the energies of the past few daysdeeply and directly. Others noted the angst of many, but feltlittle. All shifted according to their needs.


Those of you in great pain are upset because youthought you would not experience much pain once you climbed yourmountain of general cleansing. Your clearing/cleansing is now ofyour individual paths. Some of those paths have many brambles andothers are relatively clear. It is not your role or our role tospecify why each entity was or was not in pain. And those whosuffer(ed) are not more spiritual, merely on a differentpath.


Youhave reached a place in your transition in which you are the onlyone who can provide explanations and directions for you. Such athought is difficult for many. It is like removing training wheelsfrom your bicycle. Most of you who learned to ride a bicycle thatway were certain you would fall and hurt yourself once yourtraining wheels were removed. Only to discover that your newbicycle skills provided you with more speed and adventure thanbefore. And so it is for your latest foray into your newworld.


Expediting your personal role – as happened the pastfew days – intensified any brambles or pieces on your path that youcould not jump over, tunnel under or run around. Those brambles areyour messages to yourself that this bramble, this piece issomething you need to address before you move forward.
Even though the 3D earth you most often had severallives to fully experience one issue, such is not true in thislifetime.


You agreed to build New Earth bridge – so you did.Now you are demanding that you be allowed to experience the fruitsof that labor – so you are.
By moving far beyond what was expected of you by youand the Universes before entering earth in this lifetime, you havegreatly expedited your clearing processes. Even though yourmountain climb was sufficient to begin movement on New Earth bridge– to accept the new reality of joy and love for others andyourself, you requested a rapid roll down your green hills toensure you would fully experience New Earth in thislifetime.


Therocks and brambles you recently noted on your path are not theresult of some god or universe punishing you. It is that you areexpediting your New Earth journey and process so you requested moreenergy for that cleansing.
Not only do you wish to cross New Earth bridge, youare planning to live in it before exiting earth in thislifetime.


For most, that last statement means that all youdesire will change within a few years for you believe that thislife is limited to 75 to 100 years. So you must race through allyou wish to do – that your time on earth in this life hasboundaries.


Allow those beliefs to float in your mind for a bit.Then realize, perhaps with great joy, that as you shift your DNA,cells, vibrations and frequencies – as you did the past few daysand will continue for perhaps as long as you are of this life –there are no guidelines for what is happening.


Please note in the very depth of your being that youhave moved beyond, far beyond expectations. For just when theUniverses believe you have decided to rest a bit, to move at thepace predicted prior to your entrance to earth in this life, yougreatly increase yours skills and speed.


Wecannot provide a definite vision of where or when you will stopthis unrelenting growth to 5D and beyond. Indeed, you wereprogrammed, if you will, to halt most of your efforts once youreached 4D. Such is already in your past. You and earth are rapidlytransitioning to 5D and beyond.


Where will you stop? When will you stop? No one, mostlikely even you, knows that answer. You are not lemmings –following one another to an edge of a cliff to your demise asportrayed in one of your famous television commercials. You areeagles flying high above earth determining when and how you wish toland. Daring anyone to stop or control you – for you are no longercontrollable.


You have likely visited hidden pain the past fewdays. Such is not a curse or indicator that you are a bad person.Instead, you gathered your courage and decided to fly out of thenest to your new life, new being – whether 5D, 6D orbeyond .


You have no limits. And you are the one who decidedsuch is so. For the limits you established for yourself beforeentering earth in this lifetime have long been forgotten. You areon your path – and you are courageous enough to crush any barrierson that path. Even though such might have been physically,emotionally or spiritually difficult, you did so or have done sothe past few days – and will likely continue to do so.


Instead of being frightened, believing you are somehowcursed or thinking the gods have forsaken you, glory in the visionof you as an eagle flying majestically through the skies with yourcurrent goal in mind and future objectives fully part of your being– but only YOUR being.
You no longer are of earth as is true of a worm, youare flying high seeing earth with new eyes and skills.


Only to shift in a chameleon like fashion to a newyou when your eagle being is no longer enough – just as you did thepast few days. You are not a worm or a moth, you are an eaglecontemplating your next frequency and/or dimensional experience. When and if you decide to explore new patterns is entirely up toyou.


Allthat was required of you prior to entrance to earth in this lifewas introducing New Earth. You achieved that goal years ago. So itis that even the sky is no longer your limit. So be it.Amen.


