2015年3月24日 星期二


摯愛的人們   Beloved Ones,


There is a sense of accomplishment on the innerplanes as the cosmic alignments and human activities are takingplace upon your planet. Your loving energies have been given andapplied where it is needed the most and every particle has beenutilized for the highest good of all, with loving gratitude andappreciation for your efforts. You are loved so very much by yourFamily of Light! Every particle of Light expands and fills all theplaces and spaces that are shifting as the shadows recede and inthis way is growing exponentially. It is touching the hearts of allupon the planet , and even those who keep trying to douse the holyflame burning within their own heart. It is a time for deepreflection upon that which still needs to be purged and releasedfrom every person's soul and looking deeply within self is aconscious choice that requires total honesty and courage . The firewithin you demands such scrutiny and you are capable of it as youcontinue to follow your own star!


Following your own star means choosing to be your ownbest friend. It means lavishing kindness, compassion and love uponyour own being, and remembering that you are an openhearted soulwho is goodness incarnate. Release the past experiences where thatgoodness was taken advantage of by others who did not take the highroad as do you. Let go of the wounds within you that these actionsplaced upon your soul. You were and are innocent and you are notresponsible for the souls who choose to stay in the old paradigmle​​vels of staying small. Let go of the need to 'save' them fromthemselves and their own choices. Nurture yourself and walk tallupon your world, for your Light and your goodness is very muchappreciated, as is your ability to expand that Light in everwidening circles of radius. Sooner or later, this will touch allhearts in an opening and expanding way.


Success comes to you as a result of your own efforts andyou have all that you need to move forward in the fruition of yourdreams, goals and visions. You are ones who must always share thegifts you receive with others, for that is your very nature and youmust always be true to self. Give honour to the feminine aspectwithin you by choosing to work with others in a cooperative mannerand by the showing of respect for the diversity of all people. Thefeminine energy manifests in each individual as a willingness tolearn new ways to make one's ideals and ideas workable. Thefeminine energy places the importance of life first by taking careof the Earth and all her inhabitants. The feminine influence andforemost law is that there be harm to none. This includes anacknowledgement and honouring of the air, water, fire, earth andcosmic elements for their contribution to the beauty and evolvementof the planet. Everything works together for the common good ofall. This is the direction that life upon your planet is once againheaded and which will once again prevail.


You have learned that positive thought creates positivechange on the Earth. Your efforts to create a world whereeveryone's real needs are met, where everyone is free, respectedand equal has been and is, creating changes within individualconsciousness which in turn is vital and most helpful in group andworld consciousness. When there are storms, visualize the windsgentling, the storms easing, the tornado's moving away frompopulated areas. Where there is a trouble spot in the world, sendlove and compassion to heal it and to lessen its pain. Be brave andproject healing thoughts of love to your planet, to all herinhabitants and all her elements. As the collective consciousnesschanges so does the Earth move and evolve in that direction also.This is the beauty of peaceful and positive change that comesthrough mindful and loving intention.


There is a need to support each other and the Earth. Sendlove and gratitude to your planet for her fidelity to you, herinhabitants. She has been in a holding pattern for many years,trying to wait for humanity to awaken and join her in the greatopportunity that has now come forth for all. She is ready to moveforward on her Ascension into the higher dimensions. She wants totake you along with her. When you align in Oneness with the EarthMother, many miracles of healing and restoration will takeplace.

Until next week…   I AM Hilarion

譯者U2覺醒   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b9a886d70102vc71.html


