2015年3月9日 星期一



Dear Ones, when it comes to your loverelationships you are putting so much pressure onyourselves! You want tofind the soulmate, the twinflame, and anything less will simply notdo. While we honour you for wanting to experience the highestaspects of love, wishing to place labels on relationships canbecome problematic and have an contrary effect on what you arewishing to create. Let us explain.


Your true and highestrelationships come from two complete wholes, joining together tocreate an even greater whole. Often times, your yearning for atwinflame relationship is still looking for an external to make youwhole, or hoping to be rescued. If you have not yet stepped into adeep , unconditional love relationship with yourself, it is unlikelyyou will draw to yourselves this type of relationship.


Humans love to define and labelthings! Putting a label on your relationship can be putting a lotof expectation on something before it has even begun. Love is aflow. It wishes to grow and expand, and self define, as it becomesits own unique blend of energies between the two partners.Expectations and labels can impede that creation process, andunnecessarily restrict and pressure your relationship. Seeking suchdefinition can be a means of trying to control a situation. It islooking for guarantees before you fully commit to asituation.


It can also be ameans of perpetuating separation consciousness (my relationship isbetter or more sacred than anyone else's). The true twinflameunions are truly that, about union. They are anchoring inunconditional love, unity consciousness and service. They wouldfind no need to label themselves as being different or better, theyare simply about the energy of love. There is a calm acceptance, aknowingness, a beingness, that would not require such definition.Do you see? It is like enlightenment. Once someone truly reaches astate of enlightenment, it is not something to be declared but astate of beingness. It exists beyond the need for definition orannouncement.


We are not for a second sayingthat these types of relationships don't exist! We are simply sayingthat you would get much more satisfaction from releasing the labelsand expectations and intending to find the highest vibrationalrelationship available to you. Let your relationships bloom andgrow into their full potential. Let your highest vibration lead theway. Embrace love as an aspect of surrender, flow, and divinity inall forms, and you will start to see the love you've been seekingexists for everyone. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vgpz.html

