2015年3月23日 星期一

大天使加百利20130319 春分

親愛的一們    Dear Ones,


Planting the Gardenof your Soul invites the Grace of the Angels to work in your dailylife. This focused activity demonstrates your desire to co-createwhat you need to harvest a more bountiful future.


The northernhemisphere will experience the Spring Equinox on March 20, a seasonof new birth and renewal. If you are in the southern hemisphere,planting your inner garden now will allow you to create a winterfocus that will bloom in its proper time. Equinox is the optimumtime to plant your personal garden of powerful intentions withinyour being. This timely action will bring great rewards as you tillthe rich and fertile soil of your soul, elevate your thoughts andactivate new life within and around you.


The Equinox is always a moment ofProfound Balance — a time to reassess your life and choose anew. OnMarch 20 as a demonstration of perfect Alignment, you will alsoexperience a Solar Eclipse. These two events will set forward intoaccelerated motion your new life experience for the remainder ofthe year. When you plant clear intentions for your most empoweredfuture, the manifestation of your dreams will become your newreality.


What does it mean toplant the Garden of your Soul?


It is really verysimple to plant your personal garden. What are the qualities youmost want to see manifest in your life? What are your goals anddreams for a joyous future? What needs have to be met so you can behappy? These are the seeds to plant within the garden of your beingso you can create a new structure for your life.


When you plant theseeds of growth and renewal, it can be a fun, creative and positiveway to promote a joyous, abundant life. Consider those things youmost want to have thriving in your interior garden. Maybe you wouldlike to plant the fertile seeds that lead to Abundant Prosperity?Perhaps you want to empower the seeds of Harmony in all yourrelationships? What about planting the seeds for Health andWell-being deeply in your base chakra so they can grow with zestand vibrancy?


The soil of joyouspotential exists within you and awaits your attention.
Are you too busy to plant yourSoul's garden?


These vast exaltedideas surprisingly require very little time during your busy life,full of commitments and deadlines. In fact, the small amounts oftime you give to planting and nurturing your interior garden willenhance every area of​​ your life with a bountiful return. It is saidthat when a person takes one step towards the Divine, this HigherPower will take ten steps towards you.


Let your imaginationsoar as you bring forth those magical qualities in which you wishto live. Nothing is too large for you to dream to manifest ahappier life. As you play with this process, you are co-creating afield of unlimited potential within and around you. When you dreambig and feel the joy of it, your vibrational frequency will beuplifted and your energy field expands. This allows doors to openthat you have not imagined possible. It is your open mind, and aheart unencumbered by doubt and self-criticism, that attracts newgrowth and evolution into your life.


Planting the Gardenof your Soul inspires great support from the seen and unseen worldso you can live life in a more inspired way. When you allowyourself to be a part of this co-creation, all your needs can bemet with Grace and Ease.

How to plant the Garden of yourSoul


Since every newproject requires some thought and planning, when you begin yourinner garden, make it creative and fun. The visual images that youchoose will greatly enhance your ability to manifest them. It couldbe a beautiful work of art with many colors, magazine pictures or apainting . The shape your interior garden takes might be a pattern,like a spiral, that inspires you. You could decide just to make alist of those qualities of consciousness you want to experience inyour life. The action of writing will assist the energy of yourgarden by taking your dreams from the inner to the outerlevel.


The Angels ofCreativity are available to work with you in this project, and caninspire you so it will be fun. When your inner spirit is stimulatedin this way, new life flows into your mind and heart, and you feeluplifted. This increased energy flow attracts more joy and you feelhappier, which in turn, brings more creative ideas and a sense ofWell-being. Your life will begin to change in surprisingways.


When you see old patterns ofthought and action manifesting, and you begin to feel stuck inproblematic energies, consider them to be compost for your newinner garden. Ask the Angels working in your life to help you pullthese weeds and transmute old ways of behavior with Divine Light .This will help feed the garden of your soul with loving energy.Soon you will see the new sprouts of different ways ofbeing.


Rejoice in thisvibrant growth knowing that as you respond differently to oldsituations, you will receive fresh, positive results in every areaof your life. By focusing a little bit every day on what you wantto see manifest in your life, you provide a new structure so yourinterior garden will thrive. Remember that as you plant the seedsof new consciousness into your garden of Pure Potential, you aregrounding the Creative Essence into the Earth. Through this actionof bringing beautiful qualities of consciousness into your world,you become a bridge from Heaven to Earth.

Bask in the Sunlightof Divine Illumination


The Garden of your Soul hasamazing potential to bring you the life you want to experience.Even the willingness to open yourself to new thoughts and behaviorsattracts assistance in ways you never knew existed. This beautifulgarden thriving within you will become a magnet for your new soulcommunity, as many people are attracted your inner balance and joy.In this way your new growth and the thriving space within you reachout to bless the world. As your garden comes into fruition, youwill find your life nourished in bountiful ways.


The company of Heavenawaits you as you begin planting these seeds for your new life.Bask in the sunlight of Divine Illumination. Breathe it in deeplyand let it nurture the new growth within you. Know the Angels willjoyously assist you in weeding out the old ways that no longer workso your garden will thrive with new life.


You are never alone.You are being guided as you open to a new way of being. Let all thefrantic activity in your life drop away as new Balance and divinelyinspired action takes root within the garden of your life. Thissimple process will enrich your life's purpose , so your next stepsbecome very clear.


There is a flowering of new lifebeginning within your heart, and new balance flourishing in yourlife. Allow yourself to be inspired and nourished as you plant theGarden of your Soul. Remember that as you empower these exaltedspiritual qualities and plant them into your consciousness, theybecome living fields of energy that will enhance every area of​​ yourlife.


As you look at the flowering ofNature around you, it can remind you that the same beautiful newgrowth is taking place within your very being. You are a preciousbeing, worthy of all you aspire to receive and so manifest. Knowdeep within your heart that all is well. And so it is.


通靈:Shanta Gabriel    翻譯:Nick Chan 

