2015年3月4日 星期三



Activate the Pillar of Golden Light
You are being gifted waves of Divine Illuminationwithin Golden Light. Your job is to direct these frequencies andempower your life in its flow!

摯愛的人們: DearOnes,


TheArchangels are here to initiate the power of awakening energy uponthe Earth as the Golden Light flows throughout the world now. ThisLight of pure divinity contains all the elements of consciousnessthat are so desired by those living on the Earth such as Peace,Love, Joy, Creativity , Freedom and Abundance.


Inharmony with the Solar Ray of Gold, there is a presence you caninvoke as the illumination of celestial forces integrating withhuman. It is a beautiful Pillar of Golden Light carrying theChristed presence so you can fill your inner being with the goldenessence of Divine Love.


Themighty Pillar of Golden Light contains all these qualities ofdivinity that each person needs to live as a blended being,bringing your most Divine Self into your physical body. As you livein this light, you are activati​​ng these qualities into the fabricof your physical body and elevating your consciousness, thusbecoming a bridge between Heaven and Earth.


Asyou invite the Golden Pillar of Light frequencies to flood yourbeing, you are activati​​ng the presence of Divine Love into everycell. These filaments of Divine Light are changing your DNA bybuilding a body with new crystalline structures that resonates atthe higher vibrations. These qualities are living frequencies ofenergy that can be used to activate those energies within yourbody. As you purposely bring the Golden Light into your being, itactivates the cellular structures as it transforms yourDNA.


Youare literally changing into one who can activate these veryfrequencies into a world of chaos and confusion and hold thefrequencies of Light in your energy field. You stepped foot on theplanet as an Emissary of Peace, here to anchor the frequencies ofPeace onto an Earth that has forgotten . It is for this purpose thatmany of you incarnated in this round of many lifetimes so you couldbe a Keeper of the Light as you bring your gifts into the world.When you radiate Divine Light through you into the world, itcreates a beacon effect. As you hold these golden frequencieswithin you, it anchors light on the planet and brings forth a newenergy of Peace and Love to a world aching to behold thispower.

你內在的聖杯  The Chalice Within You


Whenyou invoke the Pillar of Golden Light, you become one who receivesthese golden frequencies into the empty chalice of your heartspace, inviting the Christed Light into your being and anchoringpure Love within you into the Earth. As you allow Golden Light toactivate within your body, your nervous system begins to resonateat a higher frequency and you can hold more and more light in yourphysical being.


Thesensitivity level in your feeling nature becomes your intuitiveawareness heightened to receive the gifts your soul remembers.Living in this light allows you to create the frequencies in yourlife that brings your gifts forward so you can use them to fulfillyour soul destiny in this lifetime in total Joy of Being. As aspiritual practice, using the Pillar of Golden Light will attractto you that which you intend to receive. The radiance of a personwho has brought Divine Light and Love through every cell of theirbody, repeatedly, is both transformational and magnetic.


Through all that you do there is a level of Grace thatcan be invited to work within you. The Pillar of Golden Light couldeven be the Fountain of Youth, totally free for everyone that fillsthe inner cup with the Golden Light of Love. These qualities areliving frequencies of energy that can be used to activate thoseenergies within your being.

安全與健康   Safety and Wellbeing


Inyour ever-expanding reality you are scrambling to find a sense ofsafety and wellbeing. These attributes are available in abundancewhen you can trust that your life is being guided by a powerfulforce of Love — always providing, always expanding and ready togive you what you need.


Belief in that which you cannot see immediately is a keythat opens many doors. The most empowering belief is rememberinghow precious you are and how much you are loved. You are beinguplifted and guided through the fire of this time by a Love thatnever ends.


When you can allow this truth to permeate the lowerchakras and anchor guidance within your being, the Pillar of GoldenLight is activated. This will gift you with the ability to expandand enfold the higher frequencies while directing them into yourworld to attract the qualities of consciousness you are asking toreceive in your life.


It isthese lower centers that are working to sustain the higherfrequencies and ground the expansive energy. You are then able toreceive more Light in your body without feeling that your nervoussystem is so over-stimulated that you have a sense of beingelectrocuted. It is just an intensity of energy and not a place forfear.


These waves of Golden Light are so strong that they areproducing feelings that are unfamiliar. Neutrality within youremotional state will help you sort out your feelings. When you havea quieter presence within your heart, you gain the ability tomaintain balance in the midst of intensity. Your breath isinvaluable. Stopping to allow yourself to breathe very deeplyilluminates the heart structures you have built that keep you wholeand feeling safe.


Embrace the flow of Light by claiming it into your HighHeart until you feel expanded — filled with the Christed Light,filled with Divine love, filled with healing power. Gaining Lightwithin you leads to greater strength and courage. The massivenessof this Golden Light is asking you to bring forth the forces ofgrounding to keep your body calm in the midst of intensity. Thegrounding forces help you to feel more nourished and sustained bythe forces of Divine Light. There is a deeper connection withlevels of vitality that will enrich you and give you a sense ofstructure and balance.


Itis an extraordinary time when you are being gifted waves of DivineIllumination in Golden Light. It is your job to direct thefrequencies and empower your life in its flow. You are each openingto a new sense of Home. There is a craving that is newly activatedand many believe they have to leave their bodies to experience it.This is not the case. Home is the growing, expanding sense of self,the fullness of your heart's gifts coming forward to open into morelove, joy and celebration.

一個光的祈禱   An invocation of Light


Iinvoke the presence of the Pillar of Golden Light. As I open myreceiving channels, I am inviting my Higher Self to bring forth themost empowered Light for me to ground on the planet so I may be abridge from Heaven to Earth. I ask that this Light anchor onto theEarth more Love, Joy, Freedom, and Well-being and bring this energyinto every area of​​ my life. As I bask in the Golden Light I canfeel the wings of Angels enfolding me in safety and protection,guiding me in new ways that allow me to fulfill my soul's destinyon Earth in this lifetime. For these and all my blessings I saythank you, God, and so it is.

原文網址 :  http://thegabrielmessages.com/

由 ShantaGabriel 於2015年2月23日傳遞   譯者U2覺醒

