2015年3月3日 星期二

大天使加百利 2015年3月1日信息


Dear Ones, we askyou, how can you thrive if you are not even safe with yourself? Doyou realize that your negative self talk is a form of abuse? Thatdenying your own needs is neglect? That keeping yourself fromfollowing your passions and interests is sentencing yourself to alife devoid of joy? That not allowing yourself to shine andexperience life pr​​events you from finding your greatest purpose andsatisfaction in life?


We urge you to stopusing the tools of the abuser on yourself! You are an absolutelyprecious, divine, vital, beautiful part of the whole. You areSource energy in perfect form. You are part of the ground team,driving a process on your planet that is the talk of the universe.It is time to own who you really are, not in a boastful oregotistical way, but as a means of finally claiming your birthrightand your truth.


You are enlightening beings, andwhat is at the core of enlightenment is love. It makes no sense toseek that love, and deny it at the same time. Again, all greatshifts begin within. Moving into unconditional love and acceptanceof self is the most important first step, because that is what willcreate the firm foundation everything else will be built upon. Itis time. ~Archangel Gabriel

