2015年3月15日 星期日



So many of you are reaching for a state ofperfection to gain some sort of approval. But what you are not realizing is that you havehad our unconditional love and approval all along! If you cansettle into an acceptance of that truth, you will start to relaxand BE, and express yourself from the place of your own divinity,which will make all the difference in how you treat yourself, andothers. Get off the merry-go-round of looking for the approval youhave always had, and start to live according to your own beautiful,loving, giving, accepting, tender soul, and you will find the senseof joy, satisfaction and peace you've been looking for. ~ArchangelGabriel



What if all obstacles in your life we​​re suddenlyremoved? Stop and considerthat. What would you do?


Have you come toexpect struggle? Have you come to believe that your body will neverbe fully healthy? Have you resigned yourself to anything less thanthe highest potential?


Dear Ones, openyourselves up to wonderful new potentials! Release the self imposedcaps you have created for yourselves. Expect a flow of better andbetter and that is what you will get.


Start to live as if– as if your healing, your abundance, the loveand support you crave, are already taken care of and assured. Asyou do, you will release your blockages and start to change theflow of energy in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vh95.html

