2015年3月23日 星期一

大天使亞茲拉爾20130321 擁抱你的改變


Every dear son and daughter of God will in theirlife time experience more than one major life changingevent. Every transitionyou had to make also brought essential changes to your externallife; you may had to move, had to change your career, dealt withuncertain job security; as well dealt with family issues that mayhave included births, deaths and marriages. All such transitionsmay also have caused you to change on the inside as each transitionyou have to move through compels you to examine your faith, yourbeliefs as well as your relationship with God.


As the seasons change and new,fresh colours Spring from the Earth, be reminded Dear Hearts thatseasons also change inside of you. Just as the seasons make theiradjustment from one to the other, so do people. When you experienceany kind change you transition through it . If someone died yougrieve and move through each passing emotion until you are able toget on with life. When you grow and change, a part of you also islost and let go in order for you to transition into a newer andmore capable you.


Any kind of loss isfrightening and it can make one feel overwhelmed and helpless. TheDear Hearts that understand what it feels like to lose a job, aloved one, or even a part of an old belief system that was nolonger useful, may go through feelings of sadness, confusion,melancholy and perhaps become a little anxious until they adapt tothe new version of what life is to be like until the next change ortransition occurs. It is important dear ones to not resist thechanges, any time you resist, you only intensify your reactionsthat have been formed out of fear and distress.


Any time you face change, you arecompelled to examine where you are in life, to reflect and find anew perspective. It is understandably that when you examine yourlife after dealing with change, especially when you are dealingwith loss that you might contemplate what has occurred in the pastand question your direction towards the future.


It is important toremember Dear Hearts that there is not a moment in your day thatyou are not making choices. From the moment you wake, you beginmaking choices until it is time to return to your bed. Everydecision you make, what is also happening is a tiny loss of theoption or choice you didn't take. But from that tiny loss you alsohave significant gain from the choice you did take. Throughout yourlife you will experience numerous gains, losses, shifts and ofcourse transitions as you work through them all, regardless of thesize of their importance or insignificance. Becoming flexibleinstead of resisting change will permit you to move forward nomatter what transition you have just came out of. When youexperience a great loss, such as a child or spouse, or parent orsomeone close to you, it is natural to feel frozen, until you deemyourself ready to move on a little each day, no longer ready tocrumble.


Each change you have enduredrequired you to give up something in order for you to gainsomething else. Life is strangely paradoxically beautiful that way.It is in your nature to adapt to change. Some Dear Hearts takelonger to adapt but they still do. How one heals and moves from onetransition to another is irrelevant, what is relevant is that youare able to accept that life has its ups and downs, losses andgains and that you have the capacity to let go of the old in favourof the new. You cannot control change. Even by resisting change,you cannot prevent change from happening. You are encouraged tohonour each change as they come and embrace what each change meansto you and rejoice in the direction each new change brings.Congratulate yourself for being so strong and for persevering everyhardship, every transition you have made. Look at how much you havelearned as a result.


You will not onlyface changes that are perceived as negative, you will experiencepositive changes that will promote feelings of euphoria, hope andexcited anticipation of what is forming from the positive changes.You may feel motivated to try something new or have the courage tokeep going, moving forward, trusting and accepting each experienceis a new chapter along the course of life, one that is filled withlearning meant for your growth and development. Of course whenfacing a tragic change, it may be difficult to recognize that thereare also positive changes happening. Just like in the seasons thatoccur around the globe, the earth continues to produce beautifulflowers and living things…as one season ends, a new season begins,and surrounding you with its splendor, the old season gives way forthe new, fresh season.


It is important dear ones whentransitioning, to find a pace you can handle. When you findyourself becoming stuck due to change, you may find yourself goingin circles, becoming lost or wandering without knowing where youare going. The best thing to do Dear Hearts is to keep going at thepace that is best for you, moving each step forward. Some steps youtake may be uncomfortable, but through the discomfort you arelearning, expanding and becoming more. You may not have been awareof this fact, but it takes more effort to remain still than it doesto keep going. If you stay still too long you may find yourselfbecoming paralyzed


Therefore, when you are facingchange and you are transitioning through each step, remember tokeep one foot in front of the other; and that it is okay to exploreinwardly, to become aware of who you are and of the blossomingworld around you. Get to know yourself more as you move throughyour changes. Recognize the strong and capable person that you are,see that you have adapted to each new direction you have had totake, you accepted and moved on. Each of you are masterpieces,filled with God's loving presence that has encouraged you withsubtle whispers to keep trying and not to give up hope. When youembrace each change and transition with an open heart, the processthrough will be much easier. Remember Dear Hearts you are strongand capable.


通靈:Julie Miller   翻譯:Nick Chan 

