2015年3月18日 星期三


摯愛的人們   Beloved Ones,


As you each follow your own star and go withinoften, you begin to enjoy sitting in the stillness of your soulwhere there is peace beyond understanding. This is your specialplace, your sacred sanctuary, your sacred Temple. This sacred placemakes everything you are passing through worthwhile and relevant.Therein lay worlds of infinite possibilities like golden treasurewaiting to be found. You can remember all that you have ever knownand experienced within this sacred space, you can reconnect withyour true and authentic self, the innocent self, the liberatedself. The inner life is calling to you during these times and manyof you are answering that call. Much will be discovered, ponderedupon and assimilated as you discover the roots that connect you tothe Divine. Once this divine connection occurs, there is nothingthat can ever tempt you to go back to the way it was. All isbecoming clearer, all is changed.


A sublime joy and gratitude becomes your everyday song,you cannot stop smiling as you truly see the great beauty thatsurrounds you, in your environment, in your relationships, in yourdaily life and every nuance of it. Life and vitality flow throughyour veins and it is so good to be alive in each moment. With greatappreciation you offer thanks to the Divine for the goodness andsweetness that is your life, the angelic beings who are yourpartners in life; and the soul family who love you through thickand thin. It is on Earth now as it is in Heaven and all is rightwith the world. You understand that it is your own perception thathas been shifted into feeling this new consciousness, this newconnection, this new state of being. Your body literally vibrateswith a constant flow of energy and this is a sign that you are nowfirmly on the right track, the path of light that you chose to walkin this lifetime.


Now you begin to understand and appreciate the journeythat has brought you to this point. If you had not experienced thetimes of trial, tribulation and challenge, you could not appreciatethe feeling you are now experiencing, the contrast between the twopolarities would not now be felt so deeply. Give yourselves a paton the back and say well done! Reward yourselves with somethingthat represents a treat for you, pause and take a moment toappreciate the gift. Yes, there is more work and effort ahead butyou now realize that it is these moments and these personalrevelations that make life more meaningful. As you anchor more ofyour divinity into your physical body, the changes within it seemmiraculous, even to you who have firmly believed that it waspossible. The evidence of it's manifestation removes alldoubt.


From this point on, your personal guides who have beenwith you from the drawing of your first breath upon this planet andthe new ones that have been recently assigned to you will guide youmore deeply and powerfully to the mission that you have chosen tofulfill. This mission is not one that is something that will bealmost impossible to accomplish, your mission is always aligned andtailored to your life and the needs that are most important to you.It is now a path of joy and happiness that you walk and while youdo this, you bless everyone around you with whom you come incontact. The energy of joy and happiness is most contagious anduplifting and is a welcome balm to the weary souls who long in truehope for a better way, a better life. The light that radiates fromwithin you inspires the same state of being withinothers.


Add your energies in group focus and know that it ismagnified a million times by your Family of Light. Intend that itis so and it shall be done!

Until next week… I AM Hilarion

