2015年3月17日 星期二

委員會20150315 我比我所認為的更加地多


Today let's look atthe subject of freedom. To many that seems to mean that they areable to do anything that they wish. Most adults understand it tomean something with a bit more responsibility than that. But whatdoes it truly mean, and do you experience it?


We would like to suggest to youthat freedom may actually mean that you are able to anything thatyour heart desires within the restraints of the universal laws ofthe universe in which you are participating. You are also free toexperience what it is like to work against those laws, but you justmight find that to be a mite uncomfortable.


Usually, however, youinterpret it to mean something quite a bit closer to home, likeyour day-to-day lives in your societies. And again, we ask you, areyou free? Do you feel no restrictions upon your activities? If so,wonderful for you. You are quite unique. If not, what isrestricting you?


Much of what you findwhen you examine this will have its source in collectiveconsciousness. Some of it will be due to things you have been toldand have accepted. Some will be due to things you believe aboutyourselves. Almost all of it will be things that you may never haveconsidered questioning.


Now, we are not suggesting thatyou begin violating society's rules willy-nilly. Anarchy is not ouragenda. What we do suggest is that you examine those things thatyou consider impossible for you. These are things to which you havereleased your personal power. Do you agree to that or do you not?If you do consciously agree, and that is not automatically anegative thing, then so be it. If you decide to take your powerback, then at least consider the possibility that it could bewithin your capability. Just claim it . Know that it is somethingwithin your potential.


Now we can tell youthat there isn't anything that doesn't fit into that category, butwhat we are intending here is that you begin a process of expandingyour own personal freedom to choose. Just begin. The process willcontinue. “I am much more than I have ever thought myself to be.”Amaze yourself.


Now, for extra credit as you wouldsay, here is something that will accelerate you on this path.Consider that if this is true for you, it is also true for allthose next to you. They are indeed much more than you have everthought them to be. When you can see them in that light, your worldwill change. And we mean that quite literally. Inside that one whomyou do like the looks of, or whose actions you are opposed to, is aspark of divinity just as powerful as that spark within you. It isnot necessary for you to agree with what they do or say. But learnto live in a world where they are free to think or say it. Live ina world where what is inside of them is important and how theyappear is not. They are here to learn, just as you are. And it isquite possible that they have chosen to learn some very hardlessons. We promise you that you have done the same many times inthe past. Seeing them for the divine sparks that they are andallowing them the freedom to learn their lessons in their own waywill also allow them the freedom to change. Attempting to changethem will almost never work however.


What will work isliving your own life as a totally loving being. Imagine a worldwhere billions of you did only that. Perhaps things might change?Just be the one who holds love where you are. Many are joining thispractice daily. This is something that is happening. It is not apipe dream. You only need do your part.


With great love we send ourblessings. Good day.


通靈:Ron Head   翻譯:Nick Chan 

