2016年10月4日 星期二


當你深刻地轉變和進化,有著一個奇妙的事情發生 --- 隨著你的振動提升,你有了

There is a wonderful thing that happens whenever you profoundly shift and evolve – as your vibration raises you have brand new potentials that you move into resonance with. This opens the door for new inspirations, new creations, and new relationships both with other humans and with guides that you are now an energetic match to.

去專注於旅程的艱苦會是吸引人的。但有著很多好處,我們督促你去探索是什麼,它們的意義。它會提升你為什麼你希望開始啟蒙旅程 !

It can be tempting to focus on how arduous the journey has been. But there are many, many benefits for you and we urge you to explore what they are and what they mean for you. It will remind you of why you wished to start your enlightenment journey in the first place!

我們建議你冥想並問 “為什麼更高的指導會和我下個階段協助我的人合作?”“什麼新的潛能我可以使用?”“我的新狀態讓我做什麼之前不會做的”。

We highly recommend that you meditate and ask, “ Which higher guides am I now in resonance to work with who will assist me in this next phase of my journey? ” “ What new potentials are available to me? ” “ What does my new energetic state allow me to do now that I couldn ' t do before? ”


Get curious, Dear Ones! Connect and discover what the changes you have anchored within mean to you. Isn ' t it time to discover the fruits of your labour? ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wt8s.html

