2016年10月21日 星期五



Dear Ones, we understand that to give forgiveness after you have been wronged is a very difficult thing to do. You understand that it is beneficial to you to do so, but it can be hard to know just how to do it. We wish to shed some light on the act of forgiveness.


Forgiveness, simply put, is dissolving the energetic cord that keeps you bound to a painful event. It is taking whatever gifts came from the experience and letting the rest go. It is deciding to leave victimhood behind and create a brand new story for yourself. It is choosing to be stronger, healed, and free from the past.


Forgiveness is not saying that what happened to you was ok. It is acknowledging that what happened then was not acceptable but you are choosing not to let the energy of what was unwanted affect the fresh energy of your Now moment. It is the empowered act of assuming responsibility for your own healing and closure.


Forgiveness is a profound act of faith and trust in the universe. It shows that you believe in a fair system of universal checks and balances that respond energetically to what is put out, beyond what you may be aware of from your vantage point. It acknowledges that the experience had purpose, that it somehow served you and the expansion of your soul.

如果你被寬恕了什麼,你明白釋然的感覺。 它是對你和另外一個人的自由。它將你釋然於內疚和羞愧,進入自己更大的表達。它釋放將你捆綁於他人的事件,在較低振動能量中的,讓每個人前進。寬恕任何你希望做得更好的事,也有相同的效果。

If you have ever been forgiven for something, you understand the burden it lifts from you. It is freeing, both to you and to the other person. It releases you from guilt and shame of the event into a greater expression of yourself. It releases the event that tied you to another in a lower vibrating energy, and allows everyone to move on. Forgiving yourself for anything you wish you would have done better, also has the same effect.

寬恕並不意味著讓自己處於受害者。只是意味著,作為成年人,作為自己愛的指導,父母,好朋友,你在選擇溶解受害者的連接,超越傷害你的東西。它會恢復你的能量,完整,創造新的,伴隨著更深的智慧,理解,自由去表達自己,在新的授權的方式中。~ 大天使加百利

Forgiveness does not mean you keep yourself in a space of being victimized by others. It simply means that, as an adult, and as your own loving guide, parent, and best friend, you are choosing to dissolve the ties to your victimhood, and to move beyond what hurt you. It is reclaiming your energy, your wholeness, and creating anew, with deeper wisdom, understanding, and freedom to express yourself in new, empowered ways. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wub9.html

