2016年10月5日 星期三



Fear and doubt are normal experiences for human beings. They are the ego self ' s go-to emotions whenever you are presented with opportunities for expansion. Do not be hard on yourself if you experience those emotions. They are only problematic if you allow them to stall your growth.


Fear and doubt seek to constrict, to keep things the same. Love is the great expander. So, when you experience fear and doubt, it is a sign to love whatever part of you is feeling insecure and unsure.

與源頭對齊(終極的愛之流動),然後與你內在的智慧,真實的力量和神性連接,深情的安撫和鼓勵不確定的部分,作為你自己有愛的指導和父母。如果你這麼做,你總是會擁有信念,信任和勇氣在你靈魂呼喚的方向前進。~ 大天使加百利

Align with Source (the ultimate flow of love) and then connect with your inner wisdom, with your authentic power and divinity, and lovingly reassure and encourage that unsure aspect of self as your own loving guide and parent. If you do that, you will always have the faith, trust, and courage to move forward in the direction your soul is calling you to. ~Archangel Gabriel


