2016年10月11日 星期二



Human beings often feel a compulsion to do something, anything, in order to try to have control over a situation. But if a situation is in flux, it is because it is evolving and that is a process.


If you are unsure what to do, it is far wiser to wait and allow the energies their unfoldment. Before you know it, you will have more details and greater clarity on how to proceed. You can appease your inner doer by recognizing that deciding to wait until you have more information is still doing something and is an empowered choice.

你處於快速移動的能量中,親愛的,伴隨著大量的攪動和發現。處於開放的臣服狀態會讓你鎮定和準備進入最好的道路,一旦能量清晰地與你最高結果的方向對齊。我們向你保證,你不會錯過任何的機遇,在等待所有元素來到一起之中。~ 大天使加百利

http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wto5.htmlYou are in fast moving energies, Dear Ones, with much being churned up and much to be discovered yet. Staying in an open surrendered state will make sure you are poised and ready to move in the best possible way once the energies clearly align to point you in the direction of your highest results. We assure you, you will not miss any opportunities waiting for all of the elements to come together. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wto5.html

當能量快速移動,感覺好像你有點失控。你是否知道你總是有著一個方向盤?它叫做感激。不要低估那反饋工具的力量(對宇宙的),親愛的,因為它會大聲廣播你的偏好,慶祝你的當下祝福,會為更加令人滿意的明天鋪就道路。~ 大天使加百利

When energies are very fast moving it can feel like you are somewhat out of control. Did you know you always have a steering wheel to your flow? It ' s called gratitude. Do not underestimate the power of that feedback tool for the universe, Dear Ones, for it loudly broadcasts what you prefer and celebrates the blessings of your Now moments, which can only pave the way for even more satisfying tomorrows. ~Archangel Gabriel


