2015年5月11日 星期一



Weare pleased that people are beginning to accept that the changesare really starting to take place. Patience is of course requiredas the first event will not take place until the right time, andonly after it has been firmly established and those involved areabsolutely prepared. It has taken time to reach this point as thearrangements require the co-operation of many countries. All isproceeding well and when we tell you that the change will comesoon, it is an indication of how far the plan has evolved.Naturally the cleansing will still be taking place but once themajor issues have been cleared, it will quickly move into thebackground. Other changes that will follow on are also developingand once it all commences, it will be a series of changes that youwill welcome. Once you fully learn of what is in store for you, wefeel that you will agree that the wait will have been wellworthwhile. Be assured that nothing can prevent the future frommaterializing as you have been told.


Onesure sign of the changes is the way in which you are stillexperiencing the speeding up of time. When you look around you itis plain to see that Mother Nature is also on the move. Perhaps themost noticeable changes are the melting of the ice caps as thetemperature of the sea warms up, and gradual changes in yourseasons that are not so well defined as they used to be. All ofsuch changes are leading you to a new and wondrous period that willtruly establish the New Age. Some of you cannot imagine how theycan bring them about in short time, but remember that we have theadvantage of technologies that you are not even aware of yet. Allof the changes will quickly materialize, and put in place thebuilding blocks that will establish all that is necessary to fulfilour promises.


Meantime your presence on Earth will help bring somemeasure of peace, as your Light is more powerful than you imagine.Indeed many of you who have awakened are serving out your lifecontract to bring it into being. You are the forerunners of the NewAge and awakened to your tasks to establish they Light upon Earth.We are proud to be part of it, and are always following yourprogress to ensure that you can operate without interference. Youhave prepared for this time for many lives, and we have completeconfidence in your abilities and dedication to your tasks.Presently there are a number of Governments that are due to bechanged. Obviously the New Age cannot truly commence until theright people that represent you are in place. The plan to bringabout such changes is already in place, and like many others iswaiting for the right opportunity to commence. So although you arenot yet in possession of the details, we are ready to go intoaction when given the authority to proceed.


Wehave to advise you that your dark Ones have for some time now hadspacecraft that could easily be mistaken for extra-terrestrial, socare must be taken not to quickly lay blame on us if they try tomanipulate a false attack upon you. It is one of their last resortsto try and cause mayhem and delay the inevitable. Be assured thatwe will closely monitor such a situation and continue to restricttheir activities as far as possible. The end times will becelebrated as victory for the Light and again we stress thatnothing shall alter the outcome. As you might say, the dark Oneshave had a good run and they were never going to be allowed to doanything that could have destroyed the Earth. They have gone farenough and are now restricted as to how much further they can go.Their time will come when they will be expelled from the Earth tocarry on their activities elsewhere. All along there has been aplan that has followed Man's evolution and now it has reached afinal stage in this particular period.


Yourpresent world has been created by Man and you have had a freechoice in doing so. As you have had desires or thought of creatingthings for your evolution, you have been inspired by those who havepassed this way before you. So ultimately it has been your decisionto make the final choice. You have some evidence of pastcivilizations, and know that you have had m​​any incarnations in thedifferent periods of time. Each cycle has allowed you to put yourideas to the test of time, but hitherto such periods have ended inthe collapse of your civilizations. This time however, you haverisen above the lower vibrations and have earnt your place in thehigher vibrations.


We canassure you that every opportunity is presented to Man to allowprogress, but often it has become corrupted and failed to achieveits potential. In your present cycle your material advance has beenheld back, but your spiritual progress has leapt ahead. Those ofyou that have been successful are to be commended, as it is notjust the result of your present life, but an ongoing climb tospiritual realization through many lives. Your strength lies inyour strong belief in the truth that you have found within self, inspite of the many distractions that could lead you astray. ThatDear Ones is why you stand tall yet modest in you truth, and are ashining beacon of Light amidst the darkness that exists on Earth.Your presence has ensured that the cycle has ended on a high noteand that all those of the Light will benefit.


Keepon looking ahead and let the past remain where it is, as in time itwill no longer have any bearing on your spiritual needs havingalready served you well. The experience has built up your strengthand ability to overcome whatever obstacles you may meet. You arefar greater than you imagine and yet to realize your fullpotential. It will come sooner than you probably imagine, andhereon you will soon enjoy your experiences in the positivevibrations.


I amSaLuSa from Sirius, and we will as always be near to help you onyour way, but there will come a time when you shall be a GalacticBeing such as we are already. That is your destiny, and you willreturn as one who is far greater than when you left. May yourtravels be fulfilling and of enjoyment as you fully awaken to theLight.

Thankyou SaLuSa.    Mike Quinsey
Website: Treeofthe Golden Light

