2015年5月21日 星期四

利亞20150518 物理揚升


Untilrecently, it was extraordinarily difficult to take your physicalbody with you into the higher realms. Now, because of the current Divine Dispensation(spoken of at len​​gth in previous writings), it is possible formillions of evolved souls to move directly into the Light withoutgoing through the death process. One advantage of this method ofascension is that you can continue to interact with the beings ofEarth, but you are no longer bound by Earthly laws. Anotheradvantage is that you do not need to reinc​​arnate in order tore-experience Earth. As you know, reinc​​arnation is arduous becauseyou must learn to walk and talk all over again and try to rememberwhat you have learned prior to the new lifetime. So a great deal ofenergy, at least in the first part of your voluntary lifetime, isspent relearning what you already knew in your past lifetimes. Inorder to physically ascend, you need to have most, if not all, ofyour fragments integrated. Your parent soul needs to be embeddedinto your physical body sufficiently to regenerate the systems ofthe body faster than they are deteriorating from the second law ofthermodynamics.


About three-tenths ofone percent of humanity is on the path of physical ascension(that's roughly 1 in every 300 humans). Being on this path does notautomatically guarantee success. It is still possible to fall intoduality, get in an accident, or somehow cause your physical demise.However, if you are truly committed to physical ascension, you willaccomplish it in this lifetime, even if your present physical bodyis in its eighties or nineties.


There is nothingwrong with choosing spiritual ascension (death of the body) insteadof physical ascension. You may decide it is too difficult toresurrect your present physical body, especially if it is currentlysick and deteriorating. But do not fall into the belief that youare powerless to decide your fate. You are still a powerful,creative, spiritual being even if your physical body has not yetbeen cleared all the negative karmic patterns of multiple lifetimesin darkness.


There are manytechniques to help you achieve physical ascension. Keep in mind,however, that this is a normal, natural part of soul evolution and,therefore, you do not need to actually learn how to physicallyascend. You do, however, need to remove all of the obstacles youhave placed in the way of embracing your normal, natural,evolutionary process.


. . . . . . If youfocus on bringing the higher frequencies into your body andrecharging it continuously, you will draw those techniques,methods, workshops and people into your life that will catalyzeyour ascension process.


We are Leah, alongwith the Galactic Confederation. We hope you have enjoyed thissegment on the six lower levels of being, and have a betterunderstanding of what happens after the death of the physical body.We now turn you over to the Higher Self of this channel for awrap-up of our first chapter.(Excerpt from Soul Integration by SalRachele)


通靈:SalRachele   翻譯:NickChan

