2015年5月23日 星期六

【耶穌】 20150521 《神聖的意志沒有替代選擇,因為沒有其他的意志》


As the Divine Plan for humanity's awakening movessteadily forwards, those so successfully holding the Light on Earthto assist in this great venture are highly honored by all in thespiritual realms. Without you the Plan would come tonothing!
However, it is God's Plan, and so perfect success is, ofcourse, absolutely guaranteed. Nevertheless, your willing andenthusiastic involvement is an essential aspect of Hisplan.


At times most of you experience doubt, lack ofmotivati​​on, even a sense that you are doing nothing of value as youcarry on with “normal” life in the illusion. Those feelings andsensations are just another aspect of your illusory environmentwhose only purpose is to confuse you , and undermine your confidencethat you have a divine purpose on Earth at this time.


Do not be misled by those depressing moods and doubts;when they arise just let them pass, as they most surely will, andturn to us and ask for a comforting and loving hug. We arepermanently on call to answer your requests for assistance becausethat is our purpose and our joy.


Do not doubt that we are watching over you lovingly inevery moment. Call on us for confirmation, and we will respond. Ourtask is to assist you and ensure that nothing prevents you fromcompleting yours. We shall not fail and nor will you because theDivine Will insists on success, astounding and, to you seemingly,amazing success! God's Will is achieved instantly, but within theillusion that is frequently not apparent.


Remember, there are no coincidences, everything thatoccurs has a purpose, and every purpose, even though it may appearto be evil, of the dark, an attack on God, on Love, is in the endalways used to assist in the task of bringing humanity home totheir natural and eternal state of Oneness with God. A state fromwhich they have never departed for the simple reason that there isnowhere else.


There is no alternative to the Divine Will because thereis no other will. Options and choices are as illusory as the dreamthat you are presently experiencing, and which the vast majority ofyou consider to be reality. It is not real, it is a dream ornightmare from which you have no option but to awaken.
Yes, you can delay your awakening, as some misguided onesmay choose to do, but humanity's awakening will not be delayed. Themoment in which it is to occur was chosen in the instant that youchose to play your games of separation, because your Father's Willfor you is that you live in everlasting joy, nevertheless, whileyou play your games that state remains hidden from you.


When you release your fearful hold on the illusion, asyou most surely will, with all its distrust, betrayal, conflict,and suffering, you will awaken into joy. That is God's Will foryou, and because all are One, there being no separation, you cannotforever deny Reality, the state of being that is forever One withHim.


The illusion has brought you much pain because even toimagine that you are separated from the One, from the Source, isutterly terrifying. God is All that exists. To be separated fromHim would eternally terminate your existence, and it isinconceivable to imagine a greater terror than that.
But such a state is impossible. Release your fearsbecause they close your hearts, and closed hearts are unable tofeel the Love that envelops them in every moment. When you allowyour hearts to open by simply letting go of fear, the Tsunami ofLove, the Divine Field in which all that God creates lives joyfullyand eternally, flows through you unrestrictedly as divinelyintended uniting all in the perfect harmony that is God.


You do have free will because you were created in Love,and Love neither imposes nor demands, It sets free. It was yourfree will choice to enter the illusion that you imagined and thenconstructed.
It is a state of intense limitation, of lack of freedombrought about by the restrictions that you built into it for youramusement. And as humans you are constantly dealing with limitationin your daily lives, and this seems totally normal, appropriate,and it is – but only where it occurs, within the unreal confines ofthe illusion!


Over the last six or seven decades these insanelimitations have become increasingly noticeable, undeniable, andincreasingly unacceptable to large numbers of you, who are nowconstantly seeking to remove or destroy them.
And there are others among you who are strivingdesperately to keep them intact, to maintain the old order as theyattempt to persuade you that they are building “a new world order”that must be established to ensure humanity's survival.


Very few among you now believe those old, utterly false,and cynical arguments that continue to be regurgitated as the onlyway forwards to peace and security on Earth by those who have forso long held the reins of Earthly power.
The deep secrecy in which these ancient families andtheir powerful allies, ably assisted by their utterly subserviententourages, have operated is finally being exposed for all tosee.


Some choose not to believe what is being disclosedbecause it is far too painful for them to admit that they have beenso deceived, and that their trust has been so flagrantly betrayed.However, the end times are rapidly approaching for those who havefor so long ruled and controlled the world by corruption anddeceit.


The time for games of pain and suffering that can only beplayed within the illusion is drawing to a close. What is unreal isephemeral and cannot last. And every human knows this at the depthor center of their being. However, having chosen to enter theillusion, they are bound by the rules under which it appears tooperate – that is until they choose to see through the veil thatpresently hides Reality from them.


Vast numbers are now choosing to see through that veil,that choice is dissolving it, and as it dissolves it becomes eveneasier to see through it. The Light on Earth, carried on high bymany loving and partially Awakened Ones, is intensifying. When youeach make a point of daily going within to your own personalsanctuaries to reset your intent to awaken into Reality the Lightintensifies even further.


The work you are doing – holding your Light on high – isessential to humanity's awakening. Only you can do it, which is whyyou are so honored. You took on an enormous task and success is insight, so keep on doing what you have been doing .
The fact that you have for the most part not been able tosee what a marvelous job you are doing makes your strength in doingit and your unbreakable determination to succeed even moreremarkable. Remind yourselves frequently that infinite joy awaitsyour awakening.

你珍愛的兄長,耶穌  Your loving brother, Jesus.

原文:http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/05/21/jesus-via-john-smallman-there-is-no-alternative-to-the-divine-will-because-there-is-no-other- will/

通靈:John Smallman  翻譯:Nick Chan

