2015年5月26日 星期二



Time continues to pass very rapidly and will continue todo so, which for many of you is a relief as you are experiencingmany challenges. This is to be expected as you face clearing theresidue of karma accumulated over a long period of time. There willcome a point when you will have virtually completed it, and it willbe considered as having been cleared and the slate will be clean.Your focus on all that is positive will ensure that you stay on thepath of Light, and the end times should be an occasion when youbecome aware of completion within yourself. It will come with afeeling of peace and a knowing that all is well. You will find iteasier to live in the “Now” and life will be more enjoyable as youfocus on the Light. The old vibrations will hold little or noattraction any longer, and you will know beyond doubt that you areascending.


It isas though two worlds are intertwining, but they are in realitybecoming separated as the higher vibrations lift you up. You are byyour own choice leaving the old vibrations behind, as you havelearnt the lessons they had to give you. For those who choose toremain their life will continue very much as before, even if theyhave to re-locate to a new Earth. Be assured that the plan for Manis perfect and each soul will find themself exactly where they areintended to be. If it means parting from friends do not despair aswhere it is formed from a love link you will always be able torenew it. Bear in mind that at some stage in the future everythingwill be in the “Now”, and then you will be able to move instantlyby the power of thought.


Forthe time being you can start to imagine what the future holds, andthe joy and happiness it will bring. Some souls will worry aboutkeeping up old relationships, but bear in mind that contact canalways be made by putting out the thought, and if that soul is freeyou will connect. By comparison to the freedom that you will have,the Earth experience will seem like having been in “prison” simplybecause of the restrictions that have been necessary to ensure yourlives were not interfered with. You created your reality and it wasnecessary for you to experience whatever you created. It is theonly way to learn how to handle such power, and it will serve youwell when you have complete freedom to move within the higherdimensions of the Galaxy.


Webelieve that many of you have woken up to your true potential, andknow that you have awakened and expanded your consciousness. Thiswill continue until you are ready to take the final steps to becomea Galactic Being. It will not be new to you as you are returning toa level that you had previously attained. You dropped yourvibrations to experience in the lower ones, and now many of you areready to claim back the higher ones. You are much greater than youcan probably imagine, but as time passes you will remember yourprevious experiences. After having spent many lives on Earth with alimited consciousness, you will eventually become One again withyour Higher Self and become whole. The times ahead are exciting andyou will choose your next experience, as evolution is constantlytaking place. The ultimate is to return to the Godhead but that isway ahead of you at present.


Asever we monitor all activity on Earth and around it, with a view tostopping warring factions from causing another World War. We alsokeep a watch out for unwanted intruders that we keep at bay, as theEarth is what you call a “no go area”. We sometimes allow contact,but only to increase your awareness as to the others forms of lifethat exist in your Universe. You simply have so much to learn andit will be very acceptable and help your understanding of universallife that abounds all around you. Until recently you had been keptso isolated that you really did believe that you were at the centreof the Universe. Now you realise that many, many very advancedcivilisations exist with you, and when you are ready they will beintroduced to you.


In themeantime busy yourself with what you call “unfinished business”,and where it applies to relationships try to bring about a mutualunderstanding to overcome any remaining problems. Holding grudgesor outright hostilities are not acceptable for one who is lookingto progress with their evolution. As you have so often been told,“Love” is the most powerful energy and it will eventually overcomethe most difficult problems you may encounter. If you have read theMasters messages you will note that they are of “Love and Peace”and for example the teachings of Jesus emphasised the need to “turnthe other cheek”, and that is not easy for you when you are facedwith hostility or threats. However, always aim for the highestresponse you can and by your example you will be helpingothers.



The changes to Earth that you were warned about are taking place, andinevitably there will be loss of life. However be assured that allfollows each soul's life plan, and in general you are all where youare supposed to be to gain experience. If you can take it in yourstride you will pass through such periods with relative ease. Somuch is being affected by the changes and not least of all theNature Kingdoms. The animals in particular will move to areas thatsuit their needs, and importantly maintain their continuance. Somespecies will inevitably die out and if you look at your history,such changes are not unusual. Changes cannot be avoided and oncethings settle down you will see that the world is becoming moretemperate. It is all part of yours and Mother Earth'sevolution.

Thankyou SaLuSa.    MikeQuinsey

Website: Treeofthe Golden Light

