When youallow yourself to be you – gloriously, authentically,unapologetically you, you begin an energetic sorting process thatlets whatever is not a match to you go and effortlessly draws toyou what best supports you. This automatically activates a path offar greater joy and satisfaction. Embracing your you-ness is thefastest way to step into your authentic power and start creatingthe life you were always meant to live. ~ArchangelGabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vl8l.html
What ifyou put your faith in love again, and rather than being on highalert for the lack of it, you started looking for the evidence ofthe love that exists in you and for you? You would embrace being back in the flow of lovewhich is your true state of beingness, and everything else wouldbeautifully unfold from there. ~Archangel Gabriel
What ifyou put your faith in love again, and rather than being on highalert for the lack of it, you started looking for the evidence ofthe love that exists in you and for you? You would embrace being back in the flow of lovewhich is your true state of beingness, and everything else wouldbeautifully unfold from there. ~Archangel Gabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vlae.html