2015年5月26日 星期二







Manyhuman beings would love to enter into their own communication withthe angels, masters, or their guides, but hesitate because they areafraid. They wonder, whywould an angel talk to me? Aren't they busy? How do I know theguidance I receive is from a positive source? Because so many ofyou are unsure and fear making a mistake, you are avoiding steppinginto your own partnership with spirit.


Allow us to put yourfears to rest. You are all worthy, and beloved, and precious to us,and we love working with you! In fact, it is our greatest joy to doso! All you must do is ask, and we are delighted to assist. You areall worthy, and you are never a bother.


Angelic communicationis telepathic. Your own thoughts will come from inside your ownhead. Communication from your guides, masters, or angels will comein, like a stream or an inspiration, from outside ofyourself.


Any guidance from ahigher being will be encouraging, positive, uplifting andempowering. We do not work from the energy of fear or negativity.All information will be presented with love, acceptance andpositivity. We honour your free will and will never tell you whatyou must do . We gently guide, never order.


The most reliable wayto ensure you are connecting with a being of love and light is tosimply pay attention to your body. A loving source of support foryou will always come with a feeling of love and higher chakraactivati​​on. What we mean by that is a feeling of energy flow fromthe heart chakra and above. Pay attention for tingling on top ofyour head, heart expansion, ringing in the ears, feelings of warmthand support. Angels often come with a cool minty sensation, whichmay be experienced on the chest, your breath, or under yournose.


Your body and how youfeel are always excellent and completely reliable indicators foryou! Use your body as a barometer and with this wisdom you canproceed, without fear, into the guidance and supports that havebeen there for you all along. We excitedly await connecting withyou! ~ Archangel Gabriel


