What ifyou began each day with the words “thank you” and then immediately surrendered intowonderful? You would anchor high vibrating energy as a start pointand proceed to navigate your day with the expectation and evidenceof the magic and love that exists for you. How could you not have asatisfying life experience from such a practice? ~ArchangelGabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vmat.html
Abeautiful thing happens when you are able to still yourself andconnect with your inner truth and beingness.You get to know who you really are!From that place, navigating your life becomes so much easier. Youhave clarity about what is right for you, and you understand othersare the experts of what is right for them, according to their owntruth and beingness. This is what leads to acceptance and peace,with yourselves and with others. ~Archangel Gabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vmg4.html