2015年5月13日 星期三



A greatmany of you have a fear of love due to being hurt by what youthought was love. DearOnes, love never, ever hurts. It has been the absence of love thathas resulted in your hurt, and we are in complete agreement withyour desire to avoid the absence of love! The key to moving beyondthe absence of love is to find and embrace the presence of love. Itis through moving into what love really is, that you can finallyheal the wounds from what it was not. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vlk0.html

Many ofyou have spiritual self protection practices.While we understand the reason youhave adopted such habits, we would like to offer a tweak to thatpractice that will best honour who you really are.


When you focus onself protection, you are stating to the universe that there issomething you need protection from. It is coming from a fear ofbeing victimized, which is still playing in old energies. Spiritualself protection, in effect, separates, while you are trying to moveinto the energies of unconditional love and unityconsciousness.


What you are reallyaiming for is energetic clarity. You are looking to shine your ownwonderful energy, clearly, brightly, and unimpeded, as you claimyour authentic power. It is standing in your spiritual sovereignty,owning your truth and your divinity, demonstrating that nothing canbe stronger than you as a beloved piece of Sourceenergy.


Do you see? The steps of selfprotection and energetic clarity may be exactly the same. It is theintention that makes all the difference in the world. ~ArchangelGabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vlmm.html

