2015年5月6日 星期三

【索爾】 20150427 《愛是廣闊的》


All ofGod's divine creation, allsentient beings, even those who appear to be utterly unaware oftheir inherent divine nature, are assisting humanity at this pointin its spiritual awakening. All areOne. There is no separation, there is onlyan illusion of separation, and therefore throughout creation allsentient life is involved and taking part in the grand awakeningprocess. You are not, and never have beenalone or abandoned, you are just experiencing a dream that seemsvery real. But of course, as you all know,dreams are unreal, and at the center of your beingness, where yourtrue nature is always aflame in the brilliant Light of God's Lovefor you, you do know this. When you awakenfrom the dream into Reality all that has seemingly hurt you orcaused you suffering will be gone without a trace, there will benothing in the way of painful memories to disturb the infinite joyof being consciously in the Presence of God, our divineSource.


Icannot remind you often enough that all areOne. Within the illusion, which you builtso cleverly, that does not seem to be thecase. Your physicists have realized thateverything is connected, that everything affects everything else,but this fact does not appear to align with your normal day to daylives, and so it is disregarded. It seemsthat you are separate individuals, and if you do somethingsuccessfully to gain an advantage over someone else, you win andthey lose. Because this is how youexperience your lives many do engage in deceit in small ways fromtime to time, believing that it serves their egoic personalagendas, and then apparently gaining their well-deserved rewardsfor that self-centered and competitive behavior.


In the very short term it does seem that those whodeceive and manipulate others win. However, life in the illusion is very short term, it is but a shortdream from which you will awaken either at the momentof your humandeath into an awareness of the way you have lived your lives, andinto an awareness that there is only Love, or at the rapidlyapproaching grand awakening into LoveItself. The former situation, which youhave all undergone countless times, can be quite shocking for thosewho have ignored Love as they bought into the apparent reality ofthe illusion and used their skills and abilities for personalgain.


Intruth there is no such thing as personal gain – everyone gains, orno one gains – as your eons of conflict show you so veryclearly. And when realization of unlovinglives lived egoically dawns, those unfortunate ones who chose thosekinds of paths generally choose to return to the illusion asquickly as possible in order to make amends by living in rathermore straitened circumstances than in their previousincarnations. You call that karma, but infact it is just a natural choice to undo unloving behavior andrelease the aspects of themselves that blocked out Love, andseemingly achieved the impossible by temporarily separating themfrom the Source. Karma can be releasedwithout reinc​​arnating, but most choose the path of reinc​​arnation sothat they can give love back by being in service toothers.


All are on Earth to evolve spiritually, this has alwaysbeen the case, and that is done by assisting in humanity'sawakening process. However, many forgettheir purpose as the illusion envelops them and they undergo anddeliver abuse in many forms. As a resultthey harden their hearts in desperate attempts to survive and, withgood fortune, prosper in this unlovingworld. But the intent to prosperfrequently leads people into deceit, betrayal, and conflict,leading to further karma.


Karma is really only a person's own choice to makeamends, a choice made on entering the spiritual or non-physicalrealms after bodily death, when the unloving thoughts, intents,words, and deeds of the life just past flow into their awareness asthey remove their barriers to thatawareness. It can be a very painful andshocking realization.


OnEarth at this moment many are experiencing very powerful emotionalrealizations, not specifically related to any particular past Earthlife, arising into their conscious awareness and causing themintense suffering. This is as a result ofthe enormous karmic release that so many have chosen to undergo inthis lifetime to be ready for the grand awakening which isapproaching very rapidly indeed. You nolonger have the opportunity for thousands of lifetimes in which towork it off gradually. This is one of thereason that Earth's population has increased so greatly in the lastfew decades, rather like an over-inflated balloon that is gettingready to burst.


Humanity's awakening truly is imminent, and to awakeninto Reality or, if you will, to ascend, all negative karma has tobe dissolved. In Reality only Love ispresent. Love is VAST, and humanity'snegative karma is actually very small, it is part of the illusion,which is tiny in comparison to Heaven; like just a single grain ofsand in an infinite ocean of extremely potentsolvent. Nevertheless, it has to bereleased, and there are many present on Earth at this time who havevolunteered to take on and release the karma that others haveincurred so thatall may awaken together in a timelyfashion.


If you are experiencing great and very painful emotionalupheavals you may well be one of the team of willing volunteers whoincarnated purely to do this. If you areone of these brave and loving souls, know that you are most highlyhonored for taking on this heavy duty so that all can awaken asdivinely planned.


Free will is a God-given gift that will never beoverridden, so if some choose not to awaken and instead remainimmersed in the illusion, that choice will behonored. Eventually those who make thatchoice will change their minds, but until they do their choice toremain unawakened will be allowed, and it will not be allowed tointerfere with or prevent the grand awakening of everyoneelse.


If it is your intent to take part in this grandawakening, and there truly are very, very few who have alreadychosen or will yet choose not to partake, then rest assured, youwill awaken, because it is your intent. Donot be anxious or worried. You areinfinitely loved by God, and nothing that you can do will everalter that fact. It is God's Will that youawaken, and because you intend to awaken then youwill. Any self-doubt or thoughts ofunworthiness on your part can be safely dismissed because God doesnot judge or condemn, He only loves, and in so doing welcomes allinto the loving embrace that is Reality,Heaven. And that loving embrace is yourfinal and utterly joy-filled goal, drawing you steadily onwardstowards the Home you have never left.

伴隨著大量的愛,索爾   With so very much love, Saul.


通靈:John Smallman   翻譯:Nick Chan 

