2015年5月17日 星期日



DearOnes, a reminder. It is atremendous honour to be in the body, physically present on theplanet at this time, because it is the realm of experience. It isthrough those experiences that you grow, expand, learn, refine, andself define.


To deny yourself experiencesbecause you fear the unknown, is to deny yourself the very thingyour soul is seeking – to be able to try many,many things tangibly through the vehicle of the body. So embraceyour human experience! Savour your senses, see the magic of theNow, and appreciate the opportunity that you have to do so. It istruly where the soul makes the most progress. ~ArchangelGabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vlw5.html


So many of you place tremendous expectations uponyourselves. You are trying to achieve a level of perfection that isnothing short of applying a conditional love model before you willgive yourselves the unconditional love and approval youdeserve.


Dear Ones, hear us when we saythat perfection is nowhere near a necessity for your growth andevolution! All that is required is a desire to evolve and anoverall consistency with your efforts. All great change comes froman accumulation of actions that are in line with your intentions .~Archangel Gabriel


