2018年8月29日 星期三



Change is such a vital part of your enlightenment journey, yet so many of you have negative feelings, fear, or resistance towards change. So we suggest, why not substitute the word change for something else that feels better to you, that you find easier to embrace?


Feel into it. Check in with your body. Try on different words. Find which one feels best to you. Is it expansion? Freedom? Metamorphosis? Transformation? Advancement? Shift? Refinement? Betterment? Unfoldment?


You could even get playful and make up a word if you like! Get creative. Have fun. Make it something that is light feeling and something you would always feel open to. This is another wonderful way to shepherd yourself as the right word will foster cooperation from your inner child and ego self.

你可以重寫你的腳本,Dear Ones。作為您自己的愛心父母,指導和專家,您可以選擇新的方式向自己展示最適合您的事物並支持您快樂的前進動作。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

You get to rewrite your script, Dear Ones. As your own loving parent, guide, and expert on you, you can choose new ways to present things to yourself that work best for you and support your joyful forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


