2018年8月14日 星期二



As you get more comfortable with showing up as your authentic self, you become far more consistent to people. The more consistent you are, the more safe you become to others. Everyone has a much better idea what to expect which creates a lovely flow of connection between you and others. This is why doing your own inner work is so important. It allows you to know and show up as your true self, which people can then respond to more authentically. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



When you are going through a period of release, you may temporarily find your connection to spirit difficult to sense. This is because denser energies, as they release, make it difficult to feel the subtle energies of your guides and helpers. You may feel as though you are in a period of isolation or separation, but in no way are you ever left alone without our support!

即使您根本感覺不到導遊的存在,我們也隨時為您提供指導並為您提供支持。跟我們說說 告訴我們你需要什麼。投降。相信。與我們合作不需要中等能力或特殊敏感度。所需要的僅僅是一種深刻的願望,一種衷心的要求(允許我們代表您的行動)以及接受和感動的意願。知道對你的愛心幫助總是我們最大的快樂。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

Even if you cannot feel the presence of your guides at all, we are always here to guide you and support you. Talk to us! Tell us what you need. Surrender. Trust. There is no mediumship ability or special sensitivity required to work with us. All that is needed is simply a deep desire, a heartfelt request (which gives us permission to step in on your behalf), and a willingness to receive and be moved. Know that it is always our greatest joy to be of loving assistance to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

