2016年11月12日 星期六


和接納。他們想要事情發展,改善,變好。那些是你可以培養和成長的連接,通過認識到,滋養和慶祝彼此之中的共性,建立理解和積極改變之間的橋樑,即使別人的選擇和道路和你不一樣。~ 大天使加百利

Dear Ones, there are always ways to unify. People want to be safe. They want to be loved. They want to be honoured and accepted. They want things to expand, to improve, to be better, however that looks to them. Those are the connections that you can water and grow, by recognizing, nurturing, and celebrating the common denominators that exist in each other, and building bridges of understanding and positive change from there, even if the choices and paths of others are different than what you would choose for yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wvho.html

親愛的,你現在更多地意識到,地球上有多少的分離和分歧。對這些能量的解毒劑是接納,允許,統一意識,無條件之愛。現在是時候對自己和他人友善,溫柔和理解,因為在偉大的改變時期,有著許多的療愈和加深意識機遇。這個療愈來自有愛地對所需之物的響應。~ 大天使加百利

Dear Ones, you are more aware now, than any other time on your planet, how much divisiveness and separation hurts. The anti-dotes for those energies are acceptance, allowing, unity consciousness, and unconditional love. Now is a time to be kind , gentle, and understanding with yourselves and each other, as there are many opportunities for healing and deeper awareness in times of great change. That healing comes by lovingly responding to what is needed one Now moment at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel


