2016年11月21日 星期一


單的公式,可以用來體驗我們希望的一切。~ 大天使加百利

Being present, practicing gratitude, and following your joy will fill your days with beauty and magic. It is such a simple formula to experience everything we wish for you. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wvxm.html


If you have ever rearranged your cupboards, you know how you will keep going back to the old spot where things were kept until, after enough times of trying to do things the old way to no avail, you remember the changes and eventually become accustomed to the new arrangement.


As it is with your life and what the new energies are supporting. You may try to approach things the old way out of habit, only to realize that really isn ' t very effective anymore. Before you know it, you will have redirected yourself enough times that you simply go directly to the new ways of doing things.

你不需要給自己太大的壓力去記住新的廚房整理,就像你不需要壓迫自己適應能量所支持的。你明白通過恆常的試驗,錯誤,重新定向,新方式會成為自然而然。親愛的,這就是臣服和流動替換計劃和控制的方式。~ 大天使加百利

You didn ' t have to put vast pressure on yourself to remember the new kitchen arrangement, just as you don ' t need to pressure yourself about what the energies are supporting now. You understand that through consistent trial, error, and redirection, the new ways will become what is natural to you. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly how surrender and flow will replace planning and control. ~Archangel Gabriel


