2016年11月29日 星期二


愛戀,他們愛的是欣賞,因為你對他人獨特痕跡和存在的高度欣賞創造了初愛的魔力和神奇。所以,簡而言之,不是愛隨著時間流逝而消失,而是你的欣賞。好消息是你總是可以選擇回到那個欣賞,創造更加令人滿意的今天和明天,為了你和你的伴侶。~ 大天使加百利

If you are wishing to improve your relationship with another, appreciation is the fastest way to do so. Generally speaking, people do not fall out of love with each other, they fall out of appreciation, for it is your deep appreciation of the unique traits and existence of your partner that creates the magic and wonder of the first flush of love. So, simply put, it is not love that fades over time but rather your practice of appreciation. The good news is you can always choose to move back into that appreciation whenever you like, creating far more satisfying todays and tomorrows for both you and your partner. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wwcr.html

如果你真的視每個人,以及自己,為完全精通和有能力來創造和航行自己的生命表達,你會體驗多少的平和?多少的評判會被接納代替?每個人會感到多少的自由來追求自己真正的渴望?每個人會對自己感覺多少的美好?~ 大天使加百利


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wweo.html

