2016年11月14日 星期一


信念,信任,接納,允許是錨定平和的能量,當你不確定改變會帶你去哪時。~ 大天使加百利

Faith, trust, acceptance, and allowing are the energies that anchor peace when you are unsure of where change is taking you. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wvmf.html


What one thing that you have always wanted to do but haven ' t can you commit to finally giving yourself that experience? It could be learning to paint, taking a trip, trying a new restaurant, playing an instrument, or anything else that has interested you but you never gave yourself the chance to try.


You see, it is through new experiences that you discover more about yourself. The experience itself is equally valuable if you enjoy it or if you do not, for whichever the outcome it takes you closer to finding your joy by giving you greater clarity on which direction to take.

找到你的喜悅很重要,因為通過你的熱情,你與源頭連接,愛上當下時刻。這會讓你神聖的存在在你真實的自我表達中閃耀,這總是你靈魂之旅最甜蜜的地方。~ 大天使加百利

Finding your joy is so important because it is through your passions that you both connect with Source and fall in love with the Now moment. It allows your divine presence to shine in your truest ex · pression of self, and that is always the sweetest spot on your soul journey. ~Archangel Gabriel


