2016年11月1日 星期二


光,你越少被他人的能量、選擇影響。你會變得自我管制,通過自己的神性指引自己,在你的所在之處成為那個神聖之光,親愛的,這就是真正的主權和服務。~ 大天使加百利

The more you are able to love and accept yourself, the more you will allow yourself to shine your own light. The more you shine your own light, the less you will be affected by other energies, people and opinions. You will become self- governing, guiding yourself through your own divinity, and BEing that divine light wherever you go, and that, Dear Ones, is true sovereignty and service. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wuxe.html


Dear Ones, the universe is always responding to your intentions and requests. You just simply must allow enough time for your desires to come to fruition .


For example, if you gave your order to a server at a restaurant, you would not continually change your mind and order something different after a minute or two because you didn ' t think the original order had been received would you? To do so would only keep you hungry and unfulfilled! At some point you would have to give the people behind the scenes time to receive, prepare, cook, and deliver your order. You would have to trust in the system.

宇宙也是這樣。允許展開!安定,享受你的時間,在你等待的同時。相信有著一整個團隊視服務你為最大的目標和喜悅,看到你的喜悅是你夢想的實現。~ 大天使加百利
The same it is with the universe. Allow the unfoldment! Settle in and enjoy your time as you are waiting for your order. Trust that there is an entire team whose greatest purpose and joy comes from serving you and seeing your delight as your dreams become reality. ~Archangel Gabriel


