When you decide that you are going to create the life of your dreams, a very interesting thing happens. Your soul sends out a clarion call to your dreams, and your dreams call out to you as well, creating a magnetic pull that can only culminate in the completion of co-creation that honours your truest desires.
這一切的動力就是你決定超越你至今為止所體驗的而活,並且你願意接納這或更好的,是可以成為你現實的。~ 大天使加百利
The activator for all of this is your decision to live beyond what you have experienced thus far, and your willingness to accept that it, or something even greater, can become your reality. ~Archangel Gabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wv8q.html
To choose not to love, to wait to see what another does first, to watch and observe before you deem it safe to give, is to never give anything the chance to become its full potential. We understand that many of you have been hurt by the absence of love from others, but we urge you to BE the love you are, to show up with your love and to allow it to shine, for that is the only way you can be seen in your truth, and to draw to you the perfect matches that can mirror that back to you beautifully. To hold yourself out of love, Dear Ones, will only continue the experience of the absence of love, and we want so much more for you than that.~Archangel Gabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wvav.html