2016年11月22日 星期二



When you are wishing to create something, understand it is a process of unfoldment. You can adjust details as you go, by getting further clarity about what works for you and what does not as you have experiences, and then giving your feedback to the universe through your gratitude. Many of you will deny stepping into your flow of creation by waiting for what you desire to show up in a manner that you consider to be complete and perfect. Dear Ones, you deny yourself so much pleasure and experience by taking that approach!

你永遠做不到。你的靈魂總是尋求成長和擴張,擁有新體驗。事實上,這是作為人的喜悅所在 --- 發現和無盡的展開喜悅。簡而言之,你必須牢牢處於肉身中來學習你可以用它來做什麼。所以看到前來的元素,展現出你渴望成為之物的一瞥,進入朝向你夢想,讓你向新的宏偉的潛能敞開的流動。這是你的靈魂指引你去的地方,你偉大的自我發現發生的地方。~ 大天使加百利

You will never be done, you see. Your soul is always seeking to grow and expand and have new experiences. In fact, that is the true joy of being human – the discovery and endless delight of the unfoldment. Simply put, you must stick your hands into the lump of clay to really learn what you can do with it. So see the elements that show up that are a glimmer of what you desire to be an invitation into that flow that will move you toward your dreams and open you to new and grand potentials in your life. That is where your soul is beckoning you to go and where your greatest discoveries of self happen. ~Archangel Gabriel


