2016年11月4日 星期五



Just as our greatest joy is serving you, you can find your greatest, truest, deepest sense of joy by being of service. Simply surrender your day to being of your highest service, and then see how many opportunities present themselves to you to make a difference.


When you surrender into being of your highest service, you become a willing helper, a non-resistant and loving aspect of Source energy, a guide on earth, available to be aligned to help, whether it be through a simple, loving act of service such as a smile or a helping hand, or a beautiful intervention to something more serious.


You do not need to run around looking for opportunities or people to save. All that is required is to surrender into the flow of your day with a willingness to help, and the universe will line up those intersections in whatever way is most appropriate.

你的行為不需要宏偉才能做出不同,親愛的。最簡單的善行會波及整個宇宙。即使你的一天看似提供了零個服務的機遇,你可以放心你的存在是你的貢獻,這總是足夠了。~ 大天使加百利

Your actions do not need to be grandiose to make a difference, Dear Ones. The simplest act of kindness sends ripples across the universe. And even if your day seemed to offer no opportunities to be of service at all, you can rest assured that your BEingness was your contribution, and that, always, is more than enough. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wv6t.html

