2015年7月3日 星期五


摯愛的人們   Dear Ones,


We have come to a time of imperatives, where your vibrational frequency, meaning who you are and what you do, affects all of humanity. Because the fields of pure potentiality exist in the frequencies of Light, the more people who become aware of and use this technology, the more the consciousness will be raised on the planet.


You are learning to manifest your dreams in new ways by using the clear Fields of Divine Light that are all around you. When you activate this Light, m​​ore Divine Presence comes to fill the containers you have dedicated for creation of that which you most desire. You call these intentions.


This Presence holds the Divine Essence of all creation. You are activati​​ng this Presence with your intentional focus on the aspects of matter you want to see manifest. There are currents of energy that are natural occurrences in the electrical systems of your body. When you can work with these fields consciously, you will become the master of your physical life.


Attune yourself to your most Divine nature, and allow new harmonics to form in the Light Fields around your body. Ancient yogis used the Science of Sound for centuries as a force of healing and creation as well as one of destruction. Your deep connection with your Higher Self allows words to form in your mind, seemingly without your conscious awareness, and these words then activate forms of Divine Light in your energy fields. To work consciously with certain words that are empowered with high-frequency energy transmissions, using them as intentions for yourself and for all humanity becomes a powerfully effective way for you to create new form in every area of​​ your life.

美好的話語諸如“和諧(Harmony)”與“幸福康樂(Well-Being)”在你於心中持有它們的時候便如在你心中深深振動一般。其他的話語也在提升著振動頻率,諸如“光芒/啟發(Illumination)”“滋養(Nourishment)”,“校準(Alignment )”。自2012年的強力開始之後,以同樣字母作為首字詞彙的“三位元組合”一直擁有著強大的力量。諸如“與源頭的能量對齊(Alignment with source energy)”,“允許神聖之光更宏偉的流動(Allowing greater flows of Divine Light)”,並“激活神性賦權的新形式(Activati​​on of new empowered forms of divinity)”能夠在你們的內在於此刻創造出全新的意識。

Words such as Harmony and Well-Being seem to vibrate deeply within you as you hold them in your heart. Other words are also increasing in frequencies, such as Illumination, Nourishment, Alignment. Since the potent beginning of 2012, triads of words with the same first letter have been gaining in power. Triads such as Alignment with source energy, Allowing greater flows of Divine Light, and Activati​​on of new empowered forms of divinity can serve you now to create new consciousness within your being.


When you hold these empowered words in your heart and feel them circulating within your being, you are ready to radiate into the quantum field this powerful Light Force of Sound to create new realities in your own life and in the hearts and minds of those who hear you.

神聖之音  Sacred Sound


Are you listening to the voice of your heart? Can you hear the harmony of the spheres at work within your being, opening new realities for you through living fields of Light? The Unknown becomes a friendly place with unlimited potential for creation when you apply your heart's voice into a field that assembles at your command. Through these powerful forces of Divine Light, you are feeding your consciousness and empowering your body. You are offering sustenance and nourishment for an over-stimulated nervous system. Most of all you are allowing yourself to align with the Divine Blueprint of Perfection that is held in your energy field by your soul.


You have the opportunity now to work with these living fields of Light to activate your life in abundant ways. Divine Light is always available. There is no shortage of Light. In fact, the Light is waiting for you to command its form into being. It has been written “In the beginning there was the Word,” so your conscious creation of form begins by naming the fields of Creation, choosing high-frequency words that have resonance in your emotional body and heart field. These are often words that represent the deepest dreams and desires of your soul.

與偉大源頭對齊   Alignment with Source


As you become blended with your divinity in human form, you have greater ability to create a life that nourishes you using the technology of Light Fields. A deep soul resonance requires that you align with Source energy and become a grounded, embodied presence that is connected to the Earth. You become a veritable lightning rod as you empower this vertical access to expand and activate your higher dreams into new realities. Using this technology is really very simple, and only requires alignment with the true forces of Nature — that which creates, sustains and dissolves. Acting in harmony with these rhythms strengthens all you do in life. Knowing yourself as a clear conduit for light and true love allows you to step into the active principles that are at work as a part of all Creation.


Alignment with Source has become your Beacon of Radiance and your attractor of conscious magnetism. As you work with these systems of alignment, you are creating ways for new levels of manifestation to work through you.


Activati​​ng the grounding principles of connecting with the Earth and the spiritual attribute of Well-being in your base, creates the fertile soil for new life in which you can plant your seeds. It becomes a process whereby you remember your dream and ground it in the light field beneath your body. In pure symmetry you fill the field with love and offer it to the Divine Source of all Creation. From this place you become a magnet for your good and all that you can imagine is possible.

請明白你們正以各種方式得到指引,這些都超越你們可能理解的範疇,但最為重要的是,請在你內心的最深處回想起來--- 你真實不虛的被永久完整的深深愛著。那就是如此。

Know you are being guided in ways that are beyond your capacity to truly understand, but most importantly, remember deep within your heart that you are truly, completely and eternally loved. And so it is.

由Shanta Gabriel於2015年6月30日傳遞


