When you choose to practice appreciation, youstart to notice the divine perfection all around you.This helps you move into a greatertrust and faith in the universe. Your greater trust and faithbrings you peace and acceptance. Do you see? There is a lovelycascade of energies that occurs from making one simple, consciouschoice. ~Archangel Gabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vrwx.html
Faith and trust are powerful tools to allow youto release expectation and attachment to outcome.When you release expectation andattachment to outcome, you enter into a flow of acceptance thatopens you up to far greater potentials and possibilities, andshifts you out of the discomfort of resistance. It is another wayto embrace the joy and peace that comes from being a willing dancepartner with a loving and supportive universe. ~ArchangelGabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vryu.html