2015年7月14日 星期二



DearOnes, discomfort is simply a re-directional tool.It occurs to let you know you are notin alignment with your highest good and attempting to navigate yourlife outside of your soul's preferred methods of surrender, flow,ease, growth and expansion. This is why old belief systems thatglorify struggle and pain as being somehow noble are so verydestructive.


Think about whatoccurs after a long period of struggle and discomfort. At somepoint the human being will get so worn down, so exhausted, thatthey give up pushing against the flow and surrender. And that isthe moment movement begins to happen again!


Isn't it beautifulthat you are stepping into a method that honours ease, comfort andgrace? Isn't it amazing that you are learning that not only ismaking that choice not wrong, it is wonderfully efficient and getsyou where you wish to be in record time ? When you are not expendingall your energy pushing for what is not being supported, you willfind that you can then shift into enjoying the Now moment andconsciously creating. You will shift out of survival mode and intoenjoyment and creation, which is the sweet spot your soul has beenseeking all along. ~Archangel Gabriel


