2015年7月22日 星期三



Many of you, as you navigate the shiftingenergies, bemoan the fact that you have become sosensitive. Thatsensitivity is a wonderful thing!


The more aware youare, the less contrast is required for self definition andredirection. Those who are still asleep and deeply unaware oftenrequire big events to get their attention. The beauty of yourheightened sensitivity and awareness is that you begin to noticesubtle energy and can choose to redefine and redirect far fasterand easier than ever before.


Do you see? Thecontinual shifting you are doing and the resulting heightenedsensitivity is not about making you more uncomfortable in theworld. It is actually designed for greater comfort, for you toembrace a less chaotic path, and to move with far greateracceptance and willingness than ever before . ~ArchangelGabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vrlt.html

